Setting up voicemail
Before your phone can accept voicemail messages, you must set up a password and record a personal greeting. When you have set up your voicemail, all unanswered calls to your phone are automatically transferred to your voicemail, even if your phone is in use or turned off.
Note: Check with your service provider if you have problems setting up voicemail.
1.From the home screen, press and hold .
2.Enter your passcode which you obtain from your service provider.
3.Follow the system prompts to create a password and record a greeting.
Changing the default voicemail number
1.Select Menu → Messages → Message
2.Highlight Voice Mail Number and press .
3.Highlight Edit and press .
4.Enter the voicemail number.
5.Press twice to confirm.
Checking voicemail messages
When a voice message is received, your screen displays text similar to “New Message 1 Voicemail.” This text remains for about five minutes. After that
the appears.
•To retrieve your voicemail, press and hold
(default speed dial number), or the
voicemail number you created, to call your voicemail number.
Silencing an incoming call
•To mute the ringer or stop the vibration when there is an incoming call, select Silence.
This action silences the current call only. The next call will ring as normal.
Adjusting the volume during a call
•To adjust the earpiece volume during a call, press up or down.
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