Take and share photos
Take a photo
1.Press the Camera Shutter to open the camera application.
2.Frame your subject on the screen, and then:
•press the Camera Shutter all the way down to take the photo.
•press the Camera Shutter halfway down to focus the shot; and then press it all the way down to take the photo.
Camera Shutter
Share the photo
1.Drag the previous image to the right.
2.Press and hold the photo.
3.Tap the preferred option on the
Note: you can view all your photos by tapping the Pictures tile on the Start screen.
Take videos
Record a video
1.Press the Camera Shutter.
2.Tap to switch to video mode.
3.Press the Camera Shutter to start recording video.
Camera Shutter
4.Press the Camera Shutter again to stop recording.
View the video
To watch the video right away, swipe right and press .
Use Music + Videos to play back your videos.