FM-3 Programming Module Reference Manual
Programming Error Messages
These Red Dot Error messages occur while you are working in the Program View.
When creating a program, the parser is executed when you left mouse click, when you arrow off the current Line, when you enter the carriage return, when you paste or when you drop a drag source. The parser detects errors and marks the line with a “Red Dot”. To get further information on the cause of the error you use the programming tool bar’s red dotted question mark. This is an on/off setting that enables error message displays and application help messages.
Error: Your Application is not valid to download ...
This message lets the user know that there are errors such as "Red Dot" errors in one or more programs that prevent the program from being downloaded to the module. The message will provide more information such as which program is invalid to help the user correct the problem.
FYI: Your Application has ...
This message lets the user know that there are errors such as "Red Dot" errors in one or more programs. The operation (i.e. file save) was completed, however other operations such as download would fail for this application. The message will provide more information such as which program is invalid to help the user correct the problem.
Error: A FM3 number’s decimal Point resolution can not be greater than ten
The FM3 does not use standard floating point. It uses Integer arithmetic to prevent round off errors. Decimals are used, but decimal point position is handled separately from the integer value. Zero puts the decimal point to the far right. Ten puts the decimal point at the far left.
The mantissa must be between
Error: A FM3 number’s mantissa must be between -2147483647 and 2147483647.
The mantissa must be between
Error: A numeric variable can only be assigned a numeric value
The Variable is a numeric. It only accepts types consisting of numeric values.