Setting Up Parameters
Motor Position Group
Position Command
Position command is the commanded motor position sent to the drive by the
Position Feedback
Feedback position is the actual motor position in user units. PosnCommand minus the PosnFeedback is the FollowingError
Following Error
The Following Error is the difference between the Position Command and the Position Feedback. It is positive when the Position Command is greater than the Position Feedback.
Encoder Position
Motor encoder position in encoder counts. This position reflects the feedback position of the motor and is not scaled into user units. This is a signed 32 bit value.
Motor Velocity Group
Velocity Command
The Velocity Command is the velocity that the
Velocity Feedback
This is the feedback (or actual) velocity. It is calculated using the change in position of the motor encoder. It will always return the actual motor velocity - even in synchronized applications in which the master axis is halted during a move.
Control Loop Group
Changing the Trajectory Update Rate can have a major effect on the performance of your servo system. A longer trajectory update rate means that more time is available to process user programs. A shorter update rate means that the control loop is updated more often and provides the most accurate performance. Without proper diagnostics, it can be impossible to tell how much time is being consumed by the control loop update, and how much time is available to run user programs.
The Control Loop group of parameters on the Status Online tab shows the user how much time is available to run programs. There are two parameters available to help with this. They are as follows: