DVD Player
FM Tuner
AM Tuner
SD Card
Frequency response:
Channel separation @ 1kHz: >65dB
D/A converter: 24 Bit
Tuning range: 87.5MHz-107.9MHz
Usable sensitivity: 8.5dBf
50dB quieting sensitivity: 10dBf
Stereo separation @ 1kHz: 40dB
Frequency response:
Tuning range:
Usable sensitivity: 22uV
Frequency response:
Max card size: 2GB
SDHC compliant: No
Panel size: 6.5” (165.1 mm) diagonal measurement
View angle (up/down/left/right): 40/55/60/60
Resolution: 400 W x 234 H
Brightness (cd/m2): 350
Contrast ratio: 350:1
Elements: 280,800
Operating voltage: 11-16 VDC, negative ground
Speaker output impedance: 4~8 ohms
Line output voltage: 2 Volts
Line output impedance: 200 ohms
Chassis dimensions: | 7" x 6.3" x 3.9" |
| (178 x 160 x 99 mm) |
Faceplate dimensions: 6.6" x .7" x 3.8" | |
| (167 x 18 x 97 mm) |
Sleeve dimensions: | 7.1" x 3.9" x 4.4" |
| (180 x 99 x 112 mm) |
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.
(reference: 14.4VDC +/- 0.2V, 20Hz~20kHz)
Power Output: 17 Watts RMS x 5 channels at 4 ohms and < 1% THD+N
Signal to Noise Ratio: 80dBA (reference: 1 watt into 4 ohms)