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Battery Care and Maintenance




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Contents 48$/&200*OREDOVWDU RFXPHQW0RUHKRXVH48$1XPE/&200,QFRUSRUDWHGULYHU15HY6DQLHJR&$$ Rqwhqwv 0HQX%DVLFV LLL 6DIHW\,QIRUPDWLRQ \RXUVDWHOOLWHRUFHOOXODUVHUYLFHSURYLGHU Page Understanding your phone Contacting customer serviceGetting Started VdwhoolwhprghUnderstanding this guide Solving problemsManually selecting call mode Preparing for satellite callsGetting Started Making satellite calls Making cellular callsMaking data calls Receiving satellite or cellular callsTo receive a satellite or cellular call Dqvzhuhg 7RDQVZHUDFDOOGRRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJ Ending callsDisplaying your phone number 3UHVV RNWRUHWXUQWRVWDQGE\PRGHDuslhfh Phone features and keypadPhone Basics 7KLVVHFWLRQSURYLGHVLQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHIROORZLQJIXQFWLRQVQIRUPDWLRQNH\¥,QVHUWSDXVHVDQGK\SKHQV 9ROXPHEXWWRQV $GMXVWULQJHUYROXPHZKHQQRWRQDFDOO6FUROOWKURXJKFDOOKLVWRU\DQGSKRQHERRN LqirupdwlrqdqgwkhfxuuhqwskrqhqxpehuDisplay indicators Symbol Status3URYLGHVKHOSLI GLVSOD\VRQWKHVFUHHQ Information keySecurity module EHLQVWDOOHGIRUQRQHPHUJHQF\FHOOXODUFDOOVAntenna 1HYHUKROGWKHSKRQHE\WKHDQWHQQDWLVLPSRUWDQWWRXVHWKHDQWHQQDVSURSHUO\IRUWKHEHVWSHUIRUPDQFH Phone Basics Turning the phone on Calling BasicsTurning the phone on and off Turning the phone offEntering numbers Standby modePower save mode To enter telephone numbersTo delete numbers Making emergency callsTo edit numbers 3UHVV WrghohwhrqhfkdudfwhudwdwlphTo make an emergency call QWHUWKHHPHUJHQF\QXPEHUIRUHDPSOH3UHVV Possible service provider services Redialing a callMuting a call Fhooxoduvhuylfhsurylghu Three-way callingCaller ID SurylghuMenu Basics 3UHVV PhqxwrdffhvvwkhpdlqphqxTo save changes or a setting Accessing the Main MenuNavigating and using menus To navigate the menusTo enter letters and other characters Phone Book MenuEntering letters and other characters 3UHVV WzrwlphvTo delete letters and other characters Entering pausesTo edit letters and other characters To enter a space between wordsTo enter pauses when entering numbers Saving entriesTo save a name and phone number To find an entry Finding entriesEditing entries To edit an entryErasing entries Using the secret featureTo configure the secret function To erase an entryTo view or change a secret entry Viewing numbersSending tones To view a numberPrepending numbers Speed dialingOne-touch dialing 7RHQWHUORFDWLRQQXPEHUSUHVV Wkhqsuhvvdqgkrog Phone Book7LSMenuCall History Menu Viewing call history details Accessing the call history listTo access the call history list To view call history details6DYH¥6DYHWKHQXPEHULQ\RXUSKRQHERRN 6HOHFWRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJXUDWLRQ¥LVSOD\WKHGXUDWLRQRIWKHFDOO 9LHZ¥9LHZWKHHQWLUHQXPEHU 6HQG¥0DNHDFDOOWRWKHQXPEHUCall History Menu Message alerts Accessing voice mail messagesMessages Menu Reading MessagesTo access voice mail notifications To call your voice mail systemQHW Accessing text messages Text messagesStoring text messages To erase text messagesOrfnhg Locking and unlocking text messagesTo avoid running out of memory To lock or unlock text messagesMessages Menu Scratchpad Features MenuKey Guard To turn the key guard onTo receive current position coordinates while making a call To access the scratchpadCurrent position coordinates 3UHVV Hdwxuhv 3UHVV 3RVLWLRQURPVWDQGE\PRGHSUHVV Phqx 3UHVV Hdwxuhv Data speedTo set the baud rate 3UHVV DWDFeatures Menu Home Calls Call Information MenuLast Call To display last call informationData Calls Roam CallsRecent Calls All CallsTo undo the counter reset Resetting call countersTo reset the counter to zero To display All Calls informationCall Information Menu Entering a new lock code Security MenuLock code To enter the new lock codeTo lock the phone Locking the phoneRestricting the phone To unlock the phoneEntering priority numbers Erasing call history listErasing phone book entries Erasing SMS messages Resetting preferencesTo reset preferences Entering PINQWHUWKHIRXUGLJLW3,1 To enter your PIN3UHVV QWHU3,1 6HOHFWWKHDSSURSULDWHSKRQHQXPEHU1$06HH1$06HOHFW SdjhSecurity Menu 6RXQGV LVSOD\ Preferences MenuSounds 6067LPHRinger Volume Earpiece VolumeRinger Type Key Beep Volume Key Beep SoundKey Beep Length To set the key beep length DisplayMute Stereo To mute the stereoTo set the backlight BacklightSort Book To turn the backlight onManual Hyphens BannerAuto Hyphens To edit the bannerTo manually enter a hyphen Show TimeGlobalstar Time Zone To set the time format0RVFRZ6XPPHU7LPH DVWHUQXURSH7LPH0RVFRZ7LPH 0RVFRZ6XPPHU,UNXWVNSMS Time LanguageAlerts Minute Service ChangeFade New Message$XWR$QVZHU CallingAuto Answer To set auto answerAuto Redial One-Touch DialAny-Key Answer 3UHVV &DOOLQJ 3UHVV 6HQG3,1 Send PINTo set Send PIN 1HYHU¥RHVQRWSURPSW\RXIRURUVHQGD3,1Preferences Menu $06HOHFW \1XPEHUV SystemMenuStatus QGLFDWHVDJRRGFRQGLWLRQRUUHDG\IRUXVHTo access status information Find HomeTo force the phone to find home Version Service Provider SelectService Provider Lists Phone RegisteringTo add to the Preferred or Prohibited Lists VhuylfhsurylghuvTo view the Known, Preferred, or Prohibited Lists 3UHVV 63VHUYLFHSURYLGHU6HOHFWKrrvhrqhriwkhiroorzlqj 5HRUGHU 3UHVV 5HRUGHU 3UHVV 3UHIHUUHGRU 3URKLELWHGTo edit reorder or delete from the Preferred List HohwhForce Service Provider Selection Service ProviderManual Mode TerritoryVoice Auto ModeTo manually select a mode 7KHIROORZLQJ3UHVV 6\VWHP 3UHVV $XWR0RGH 3UHVV 9RLFH To set voice auto modeData RWR6WHS3UHVV 6\VWHP 3UHVV $XWR0RGH 3UHVV DWD To set data auto mode2WKHUGDWDPRGHVDYDLODEOH 1RQH¥5HVWULFWVGDWDFDOOV 6HOHFWWKHIROORZLQJTo set the NAM NAM SelectTo set Auto NAM To set the system3UHVV 0\1XPEHUV My NumbersTo display your three phone numbers 3KRQH1R*¥LVSOD\V*OREDOVWDUVDWHOOLWHSKRQHQXPEHUSystem Menu Battery Care and Maintenance Battery care and chargingService Mode Talk Time Standby Time $&ZDOOFKDUJHU 8QLYHUVDOWUDYHOFKDUJHU Ljduhwwholjkwhudgdswhu Battery chargersAbout battery charging Fkdujlqjlvfrpsohwh 7KHXQLYHUVDOWUDYHOFKDUJHUDOORZV\RXWRBattery replacement Low batteryBattery removal 7XUQWKHSRZHURIIWRDYRLGORVLQJGDWD3UHVVGRZQRQWKHEDWWHU\XQWLOLWORFNV $16 535HSRUW Safety InformationExposure to radio frequency signals VwdqgdugvDriving Antenna carePhone operation Electronic devicesAircraft Blasting areasPotentially explosive atmospheres For vehicles equipped with an air bag Battery careOther safety issues LQVWDOOHGDQGWKHDLUEDJLQIODWHVVHULRXVLQMXU\FRXOGUHVXOWAC wall charger BatteryLeather case Universal travel chargerHands-free car kit Troubleshooting Problem SolutionVhohfwhg 0DNLQJFDOOVDqwhqqd Fhooxoduvhuylfh5HFHLYLQJFDOOV Prghphqx 3UHVVRvlqjfdoov Troubleshooting Appendix Third Party EquipmentProduct SunWize TM Portable Energy System Appendix Dgdswruvgdwd $&ZDOOFKDUJHU Dffhvvvfudwfksdg DffhvvwhwphvvdjhvDwdfdeohv Hdwkhufdvh DLUEDJVDIHW\Gdwdfdeohv Gdwdfdoov Dgdswruv Pdnlqj Vhwedxgudwh FKDUJLQJEDWWHU\ FkhfnpdunlqglfdwruXqgruhvhwwlqj QxpehuvYrlfhphvvdjh QIRUPDWLRQNH\ Fkhfnpdun GljlwdoprghQrvhuylfh Urdplqj Vdwhoolwhprgh Vfurooduurzv Vljqdovwuhqjwk Vrxqg YroxphYlhzlqjqxpehuv Hqwhulqjqxpehuv Kdug WlphgLVSOD\LQGLFDWRUV QIRUPDWLRQNH\ 6HFXULW\PRGXOH Hqwhulqj Vhqglqj SOXVNH\GLDOLQJUHSODFLQJEDWWHU\ UDGLRIUHTXHQF\ Uhfhlylqjfdoov UhfhqwfdoovPdqxdo UHPRYLQJEDWWHU\ Uhvwulfwlqjskrqh6HUYLFHSURYLGHU Dxwryrlfhprgh Yrlfhpdlo DwddxwrprghLqgkrph Vwdwxv 7HUULWRU\ 9HUVLRQ Wdonwlph WHUULWRU\
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