Displays information about the 20 most recently dialed numbers.
Place a call to a dialed call by simply pressing .
1To see a list of the 20 most recently dialed
numbers, press [MENU] and then select
“Recent Calls” menu, press “Dialed”.
If the number is already stored in your phone book, only the name appears. If the number is not stored, only the phone number appears.
2To view dialed call details, press [OPEN].
C | Call details include type of call, date, time and phone number. |
H |
3Press [OPTIONS] and then select “Save” to save it or select “Erase” to delete it.
•Save : To store the phone number in your phone book.
•Details : To view the caller’s information.
•Erase : To erase a dialed calls listing.
•Lock/Unlock : To lock or unlock dialed calls listing.
•Erase All : To erase all dialed calls listings.
•View Timers : To display usage time.
• After 20 dialed calls, the oldest call will automatically be erased from the history.
•Press [MESSAGE], to send the TXT or PIX/FLIX message.
•“Details” menu appears only stored phone numbers.


Displays information about the most recent incoming, outgoing and missed calls.
1To see a list of the 60 most recent incoming,
outgoing and missed calls, press [MENU] and
then select “Recent Calls” menu, press “All”.
If the number is already stored in your phone book, only the name appears. If the number is not stored, only the phone number appears.
2To view details, press [OPEN].
Call details include type of call, date, time and phone number. | C |
| H |
3Press [OPTIONS] and then select “Save” to save it or select “Erase” to delete it.
•Save : To store the phone number in your phone book.
•Details : To view the caller’s information.
•Erase : To erase a recent calls listing.
•Lock/Unlock : To lock or unlock recent calls listing.
•Erase All : To erase all recent calls listings.
•View Timers : To display usage time.
• After the 20 received, dialed or missed calls, the oldest call will automatically be erased from the history.
•Press [MESSAGE], to send the TXT or PIX/FLIX message.
•“Details” menu appears only stored phone numbers.
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