Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion:
Each “Hex digit” is the decimal equivalent value of the hexadecimal symbol.
Example: | Convert 10FC hexadecimal to decimal. |
Decimal = (1st Hex digit x 4096) +
(2nd Hex digit x 256) +
(3rd Hex digit x 16) +
(4th Hex digit) |
| ||
1 | x | 4096 | = | 4096 |
0 | x | 256 | = | 0 |
15 | x | 16 | = | 240 |
12 | x | 1 | = | 12 |
| 4348 |
10FC hex equals 4348 decimal.
4348 decimal equals 10FC hexadecimal.
Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion:
Example: Convert 4348 decimal to hexadecimal.
4348 decimal equals 10FC hexadecimal.
4348 | = | 1 | = | 1 | (1st Hex digit) |
4096 | = | 0 | = | 0 | (2nd Hex digit) |
252 | |||||
0 | = | 15 | = | F | (3rd Hex digit) |
252 | |||||
240 | = | 12 | = | C | (4th Hex digit) |
12 | |||||
12 |
0 |
Appendix B | 485DS32985 Manual |
B&B Electronics
PH (815)