The phone book stores up to 300 entries.
1.Enter phone # then press or press
[OPTIONS] then select “Save”.
2.Choose “New Entry” or “Existing Entry”. To select, press [OK].
3.The Phone # will appear above a list of icons. The name of the icon is displayed below the list. Use the Navigation Key to choose the type of # you’re adding, as indicated by the icon.
To select, press [OK].
4.Enter a name then press .
Follow instructions for entering text on page 35. To change the input mode, press [Abc].
5.Use the Navigation Key to scroll through more options for the entry (group, other numbers, ringer).
Mobile: Enter mobile phone number.
Home: Enter home phone number.
Office: Enter office phone number.
Pager: Enter pager number.
FAX: Enter fax number.
Wireless Addr.: Enter Homepage address.
Group: Personal, Business, Etc.
Ringer: Select Ringer Type.
Msg.Ringer: Select Msg.Ringer Type.
Graphic: Select a picture image.
Memo: Enter memo.
Set Secret: Lock, Unlock.
6.To store the entry, press [SAVE].
“Phone Book Entry Saved!” or “Entry edited!” will be displayed.
Page 34 - Chapter 3
Your phone offers several text input methods for conven- ient entry of memory location names and text messages:
Abc mode: Enters words by repeatedly tapping the corresponding key until the desired character is displayed.
T9WORD: Tap each corresponding key only once and the phone predicts the word you are entering.
Numeric mode: Only enters numbers.
Symbol mode: Enters symbols like @, #, %.
Use the digit keys to enter letters, numbers and characters. Enter letters using the keypad as follows:
Key Pad | 1 Repetition | 2 Repetitions | 3 Repetitions | 4 Repetitions | 5 Repetitions |
1 | 1 | . | @ | - | , |
2ABC | A | B | C | 2 | ... |
3DEF | D | E | F | 3 | ... |
4GHI | G | H | I | 4 | ... |
5JKL | J | K | L | 5 | ... |
6MNO | M | N | O | 6 | ... |
7PQRS | P | Q | R | S | 7 |
8TUV | T | U | V | 8 | ... |
9WXYZ | W | X | Y | Z | 9 |
To change the input mode, press
●To enter a space, press .
The cursor will automatically move to the next column.
●Repeat until letters are entered. There is a
●To delete one digit, press [CLR].
To delete the entire entry, press and hold [CLR].
●To change from lowercase to uppercase, press .
Chapter 3 - Page 35