Clear Last Mode (Delete Last Photo) - 
To delete the last photo taken:
1.Press the MODE button until the icon appears on the LCD screen.
2.Press the Shutter button. The LCD display then flashes .
3.Press the Shutter button again within 5 seconds and the last photo will be deleted permanently.
4.The LCD counter then displays the updated maximum number of photos that can be taken at the current resolution and compression.
Clear All Mode (Delete All Photos)
To delete all photos on the camera:
1.Press the MODE button until the icon appears on the LCD screen.
2.Press the Shutter button. The photo counter flashes.
3.Press the Shutter button again within 5 seconds and all photos in the camera will be permanently deleted.
4.The LCD counter is reset to show the maximum number of photos that can be taken at the current resolution and compression.
Photo Resolution Mode
There are 2 photo resolutions to select from:
(VGA resolution) or
(QVGA resolution)
1.Press the MODE button until the or
icon appears on the LCD screen.
2.If the LCD displays , this means the present resolution is Low resolution
and in
order to change to High resolution click the Shutter button within 5 seconds.
3.If the LCD displays , this means the present resolution is High resolution
and in
order to change to Low resolution click the Shutter button within 5 seconds.
4.All photos taken after changing the resolution setting will be taken at the new resolution.
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