1 Verify the contents of the package against the included parts list. If you are missing any
parts from the list, please contact BA Products immediately at the
2 First, remove the lid and two hopper assembly pieces and then place the three pieces on the
5 Locate the funneled piece of the hopper assembly and the silicone gasket. Lay the
funneled side of the hopper piece on the ground.
(Illustration A)
Find the recess in the flange on the top side and install the silicone gasket by laying it into the recess and pressing firmly to keep it in place (Illustration A).
6 Next, locate the bolt kit and then place the top portion of the hopper onto the funneled piece. Align the bolt holes on the flanges so you
can see directly through them. Insert the 1⁄4” x 1” Bolt and the 1⁄4” Washer into each hole with the head on top and the thread facing downward. Next, take the 1⁄4” Nylon Lock Nut and securely tighten to each bolt (Illustration B).
(Illustration B)
PAge 4