How to Play
Use the UP and DOWN but- tons to select one of the lev-
puzzle you want to play, press the START/ENTER but-
The object of the game is to place numbers in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each three by three grid contains the numbers one through nine once.
PAD to scroll up and down the menu items. If there's a saved puzzle, the RECALL option will appear on the bottom of the menu screen. Press the START/ENTER but- ton to confirm your selec- tion.
els of difficulty and press the START/ENTER button to con- firm. The following screen will appear on your televi- sion.
ton to confirm. The follow- ing screen will then appear.
Getting Started
Plug it into your television and then turn it on by switching the power switch to ON on the top of the unit.
The New York Times SuDoku Plug & Play
When the game turns on, the following screen will appear on your television.
To begin playing, select the PLAY NOW! option. Players may also customize a puzzle by selecting CREATE A PUZ- ZLE. Players can also select OPTIONS to adjust the game setting.
After selecting PLAY NOW!, the following screen will appear on your television:
Figure 4: Puzzle
| Use the DIRECTIONAL KEY- | |||
Figure 3: Puzzle Selection | PAD to move the cursor | |||
Screen | around | the | screen. | The |
| square you are on will be | |||
Scroll through the differ- | marked in red. The numbers | |||
ent puzzles per level of diffi- | available for that box will | |||
culty by using the LEFT or | turn red on the right side of | |||
RIGHT button of your DIREC- | the screen if the show possi- | |||
TIONAL KEYPAD. Press the UP | bilities function is on. |
| ||
or DOWN button of your | Once | you've reached a | ||
DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD to | square that you know the | |||
scroll by ten puzzles at a | answer for, press the respec- | |||
time. Press and hold the UP | tive number | button. | This | |
or DOWN button to scroll | number will appear white if | |||
quickly through all of the | incorrect or black if correct | |||
puzzles. | if the incorrect number alert |
Figure 1: Opening Screen | Figure 2: Select Level |
Once you've found the is on. It will appear red if it |
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