Follow setup and gameplay rules as explained above. Make words, one at a time, and score points for every word y ~ makeu. NOTE: Duringthe game, you are allowed to exchange five letters (seeRule 10above) without a' penalty.The game ends either (1) when all of the letter tiles have been used, or (2) when you cannot make aword or exchange a letter tile.Total up your score. Keep track of your solo game scores and try to improve each time you play.
We will be happy to hear your questions or commentsabout this game.US consumers write to: Hasbro Games, Consumer Affairs Dept., P.O. Box 200,Pawtucket, RI 02862. Tel:
SCRABBLE,the associated logo, the design of the distinctiveSCRABBLE brand gameboard, and the distinctive letter tile designsare trademarks of Hasbroin the United States and Canada.All Rights Reserved." & @ denote U.S.Trademarks.
Q 2006 Hasbro, Pawtucket,RI 02862.All Rights Reserved." & @ denote U.S.Trademarks.