AMR offers preconfigured wiring harnesses and where neccesary mounting and safety hardware for all larger OptiArray® systems. However, due to the complexity of setting up the larger OptiArray® systems we recommend to arrange the installation with your AMR retailer.
The following pages show the wiring diagrams and setup options for some of the recommend speaker arrangements (the Epsilon/Zeta systems, the Iota/Kappa systems and finally the Omicron/Sigma systems). Available page space prohibits the illustration of the largest configurations.
Overleaf you will find a large size representation of the Epsilon/Zeta setup illustrating in detail the arrangemnt, wiring and other details...
Epsilon/Zeta | Iota/Zappa | Omicron/Sigma |
From AMP
| In |
| From AMP |
| 9 |
| In |
In from Amplifier | From AMP |