and you have to move the king first.
Whether you’re castling king- side or queenside, first move and press your king down on its FROM square (if castling king- side, E1). Then move and press your king down on its TO square (if castling kingside, G1). King Arthur automatically recognizes castling maneuvers after the king is moved two squares. He
pawn to a queen, since this is the best choice in nearly every case. In the unlikely event you want to promote your pawn to a piece other than a queen, use King Arthur’s SET UP feature. (See Chapter 9.)
King Arthur immediately rec- ognizes your new piece, and begins thinking about the posi- tion in order to move. When the computer pushes a pawn to your
remove the captured pawn. You | pawn before removing it from | |
must press down on the captured | the board. |
then reminds you, by displaying the proper FROM square, to complete castling by moving the rook. Move the rook in the rou- tine manner, pushing on its TO and FROM squares normally. Remember, you must always move the King first when castling!
6.3 Promoting Pawns
When a pawn reaches the other end of the board, official chess rules say that you can pro- mote it to a more valuable piece. To promote a pawn, make your pawn move to the last rank in the normal manner. King Arthur will automatically promote the
back row or rank, it will always promote to a queen. Remember to change the piece on the board after either side promotes a pawn. When promoting a pawn to a queen and the original queen is still on the board, chess players frequently mark the new queen with an
6.4En Passant —taking a pawn in passing
For an en passant capture, press the FROM and TO squares of the capturing pawn. The square of the pawn being cap- tured will then appear on the dis- play. This is to remind you to
You already know, from Chapter 3, section 3.7, how to select the level King Arthur is playing at. With his 73 levels of play, King Arthur can adjust himself to play you a competi- tive game, no matter what your level of skill! It’s more fun and more educational to select a level that gives both you and King Arthur a reasonable chance of winning. Try to find a level at which you win about half the time. As you get better, simply adjust King Arthur’s playing level so he can “improve” as you do!
7.1 Beginner levels
The first four levels (1, 2, 3 and 4) are beginner levels and take approximately 4, 8, 12 and 16 seconds per move, respec- tively.
7.2 Fixed ply levels
Level 5 is a fixed
7.3 Timed levels
Levels 6 through 15 take about 1 second per level num- ber, so level 10 will average about 10 seconds per move. Levels 16 through 72 take about 2 seconds per level numbers. The amount of time taken will vary depending on the position,
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