forth between a book and a chessboard. But with your King Arthur’s special training feature, you’ll find yourself learning the openings extremely quickly, sav- ing yourself many
At the beginning of a game, you may choose to learn one of 34 popular book openings. Press MODE until “OP En” is dis- played. Then press > until the number of the opening (see list below) you want to learn or review is displayed in the upper left of the display. (You can use
<to “loop” backward in the list. For example, if you want to select opening 30, it’s faster to use the < key.)
Now play a move. If your
move is not correct, an error buzz will sound and the move will NOT be made. You can take another guess, or learn the cor- rect move by pressing HINT. When the computer comes back with its move, you will briefly see the word “OP En” on the screen if you have another opening move to make. If “OP En” does not appear, you may continue normal play or go on to another opening. You have com- pleted the training for that open- ing line.
Below are the numbers and names of openings that you can study with King Arthur’s Book Opening Trainer.
1.Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation
2.Ruy Lopez, Closed Defense
3.Ruy Lopez, Open Defense
4.Ruy Lopez Archangel Defense
5.Giuoco Piano
6.Scotch Game
7.Four Knights
8.Petroff Defense
9.Vienna Game
10. | Sicilian, Classical Defense |
11. | Sicilian, Accelerated Dragon |
12. | Sicilian, Rossolimo Attack |
13. | Sicilian, Dragon Variation |
14. | Sicilian, Scheveningen |
| Variation |
15. | Sicilian, Najdorf Variation |
16. | Sicilian, Moscow Variation |
17. | |
18. | |
19. | French Defense, Winawer |
| Variation |
20. | French Defense, |
| Classical Defense |
21. | French Defense, |
| McCutcheon Variation |
22. | French Defense, |
| Tarrasch Variation |
23. | Queen’s Gambit Accepted |
24. | Queen’s Gambit Declined |
25. | Queen’s Gambit, |
| |
26. | Queen’s Gambit, |
| Tarrasch Defense |
27. | Queen’s Gambit, Slav Defense |
28. | |
| Defense, Rubinstein Variation |
29. | |
| Defense, Classical Variation |
30. | Queen’s Indian Defense |
31. | Queen’s Indian |
| Defense, Petrosian Variation |
books on chess available at bookstores and libraries.
8.4MULTI-MOVE: setting up your own opening positions
King Arthur also allows you to set up any book opening you
Great Games
One of the many extra features offered by King Arthur that is
After the first move of any opening,
whenever it’s your move, you can switch sides
with King Arthur by pressing MOVE.
In this way, you can practice both sides of these
important, standard chess openings.
32. | |
33. | Gruenfeld Defense |
34. | King’s Indian Defense |
These openings and the expla- nations of each move, along with example games by chess masters, are given in many
both great chess training and a lot of fun is the Great Games. Over the centuries there have been many chess masterpieces that players have recorded, stud- ied, and passed down to follow- ing generations. Top chess play-
28 | 29 |