Domino Instructions
EQUIPMENT: 1 set of dominoes
Before play begins, all dominoes are turned face down and mixed. Each player draws five dominoes and stands them on edge before him so that his opponents cannot see his domino faces. The remaining dominoes become the draw pile. Play moves to the left.
Each domino is divided into two parts, or ends, each containing a set of spots. A double domino contains matching ends
The second player then tries to match one of his dominoes to one end or side of the double. For example, if the first domino played is a double four, the second player may add any one of his dominoes containing
If a player cannot match the spots at any open end of a row, he must draw from the extra dominoes until he is able to do so. Should he draw the last domino and still not be able to play, he passes and then tries again on his next turn. A player must play a domino if he is able to do so. Doubles are always placed crosswise to the end they match, thereby giving two new directions in which to place dominoes.
Play continues until one player has used all of his dominoes or until no one can play. If no further plays can be made, and all dominoes have been drawn, the player with no dominoes, or with the least number of points (spots) on his remaining dominoes wins the round. He subtracts the total of his points from the total of each of his opponent's points and scores the balance of points from each. Rounds continue until one player scores 100 points. The game is won by the first person to score 100 or more points.
Players match the ends of the dominoes but may play to either end or to either side of a double. Or with the least number of points (spots) on his remaining dominoes wins the round. He subtracts the total of his points from the total of each of his opponent's points and scores the balance of points from each. Rounds continue until one player scores 100 points.
The game is won by the first person to score 100 or more points.
EQUIPMENT: 1 Set of Dominoes
This variation of Block and Draw Dominoes only scores if the ends add up to a multiple of five. Each domino is divided into two parts, or ends, each containing a set of spots. A double domino contains matching ends
To begin play, shuffle the dominoes and each player draws dominoes, (7 dominoes if 2 players, 5 if 3 or 4 players). The player with the highest double domino goes first, and then play continues to the left. Each player plays a domino by matching the ends of the same suit (1's, 2's 3's etc.) and trying to make the open ends add up to a multiple of five. Double Dominoes are laid crosswise and count as the total value (double three is six points). When a player cannot follow suit, the player draws from the pile of remaining dominoes until they can make a play. The first player to get rid of all their dominoes ends the hand.
Players keep track of the points that are scored during the hand and the player that goes out of dominoes first also gets the points from the dominoes left in the other players' hands. Count the total number of spots in each hand and round to the nearest five. For example, if total spots equal seven then round to five points, if total spots equal eight then round to ten points. If the total spots equal
EQUIPMENT: 1 Set of Dominoes
This is the simplest of all the domino games. Shuffle the dominoes and each player draws one domino until all the dominoes are evenly distributed. Players place their dominoes face down in a row. The youngest player starts by placing the first domino from their row face up on the table. Players then continue by turning over the first domino from their row face up. If that domino matches suit of the ends, of the dominoes already face up on the table, then the domino is played and the same player turns up his next domino. If the domino does not match, then the domino is placed face down at the bottom of the player row. His turn is now over and play continues to the next player.
Each domino is divided into two parts, or ends, each containing a set of spots. A double domino contains matching ends
The first player to get rid of all their dominoes wins.
EQUIPMENT: 1 Set of Dominoes
Object: Play all of the dominoes from your hand.
Play: Shuffle the dominoes face down and draw five. Turn these five face up and play one of them. Now match either end of your first domino with another from your hand. Continue to play to either end. Whenever you find that you are left only with dominoes in your hand that will not fit on either end, you must draw an extra domino from those still face down, and continue doing this until you pick one that you can play.
EQUIPMENT: 1 Set of Dominoes
Object: “Knock Out” all the dominoes.
Play: Turn all the dominoes face down, shuffle them well, and arrange them end to end in one long line. Keeping them in the same position, turn them all face up. If there are any dominoes whose ends match where they touch, you may 'knock' them out of line and close up the gap. Carry on doing this as long as you can.
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