Rear Shock Removal
Shock Spring Removal
K2 Bike | 5500C, 4500C, | 3000, 2000 | Animal, Beast | |
Rear | 5000, 4000 | 1000 |
| Animal DH 4 |
up to 140 | 400 | 200 |
| 550 |
500 | 250 |
| 600 | |
550 | 300 |
| 650 | |
600 | 350 |
| 700 | |
over230 | 650 | 400 |
| 750 |
SpringType | NB175 |
Springratehasaneffectondamping. Thehigherthespringrate,themoredampingwillberequiredtocontrolthemotionoftheshock. Thisis whylighterridersfeeltheirshocksmaybeoverdampedwhileheavierridersmaynotperceiveenoughdamping. Seethenoteson Rebound Damping and Compression Dampingbelow for a further explanation.
Changing Coil Springs
CAUTION: Girvin strongly recommends that your K2 Bike be disassembled and adjusted by your authorized
!K2 Bike dealer. Your authorized K2 Bike dealer possesses the proper training and tools to service your bi- cycle. Improperly assembled or adjusted bicycles can be extremely dangerous, and can result in failure during use and severe injuries. These instructions are provided for owners having sufficient knowledge and the proper tools to do the job.
YoumayneedtochangethecoilspringsonyourK2Bikeinordertotuneyoursuspensionproperly.Wesuggestthis bedonebyyourlocalK2Bikedealerorotherqualifiedtechnician,butifyouwouldliketochangethespringsonyour own, follow these instructions:
2.Removetheuppershockboltwheretheshockattachestotheframeandalsotheloweroneortwoboltsholding the shock or shock strut to the swingarm.
3.Loosenpreloadcollarfromthespringbyturningbothpreloadadjustercollarandspringsimultaneouslyandre- movepreloadcollarcompletelyorloosenpreloadcollarenoughtoremovelowerspringclip.
Onceyouhaveselectedthecorrectspringforyou,youwillneedtosetupyoursuspensionwiththeproperamountof suspensionsag.Suspen- sion sag is the amount a shock compresses under the weight of the rider. All suspension systems should exhibit some amount of suspension sag. Girvin bikes and forks should all be set up properly with a certain amount of sag. The optimum sag amount for all of our rear and front suspension systems is 20% of the total shock shaft stroke, or 20% of the total wheel travel. For example:
See the next section on Preload to adjust the amount of sag. The suggested suspension sag amounts for our bikes and forks are as follows:
Frame (Rear shock) / Fork (Front shock) | Total Wheel Travel | Sag at Shock |
CarbonFrame (5500C,4500C) | 100mm | 8mm |
100mm | 8mm | |
ExtremeFrame(Animal,Beast) | 125mm | 8mm |
World Cup Frame (3000, 2000, 1000) | 90mm | 10mm |
DownhillFrame(AnimalDH) | 150mm | 10mm |
Cross- Link (All models) | 76mm | 10mm |
Chubby | 100mm | 20mm |
ChubbyLT | 125mm | 25mm |