The XT485 treadmill allows you to make speed and incline changes on the side handrails. You can also choose to turn these off if you frequently hold on to these rails. This is achieved by pressing the disable button on the right side of the lower portion of the console.
You are able to set your speed and incline settings quickly by using the quick keys on the console. Just press either Speed or Incline, then select either 1 or 2 digits and the treadmill will automatically adjust to that value. This saves time because you don’t have to press and hold or hold a button down until reaching the desired value. The maximum value you may input for speed is 9.9 mph or kmph and incline 9.5%
Examples: Press the Quick Incline button, then 1, 0 = Incline Level 1.0 Press the Quick Incline button, then 3, 5 = Incline Level 3.5
Press the Quick Speed button, then 8, 0 = 8.0 mph or kmph Press the Quick Speed button, then 0, 8 = 0.8 mph or kmph
There is an anatomical figure located at the top of the console. This figure will light all areas that are activated when using the treadmilll. These will light up during any of the programs. You can control which muscles are activated by changing the incline and swinging your arms. The
•The upper body LED’s will light any time your hands aren’t in contact with the pulse grip sensors
•The lower body lights will activate in three degrees of engagement: Green represents minimal muscle involvement, Amber represents medium involvement, and Red represents full or heavy activation.
XT485 Treadmill | 12 |