If just 1 player has the most family members | before | after | |
in a district, but multiple players tie for |
| |
second, the player with the most places 2 |
| |
family members into the city. The players with |
| |
the second most move none, as there can be a |
| |
maximum of only 3 occupied houses in a |
| |
district’s city area. |
| |
In this manner, the houses in each district’s | With the exclusive majority in this district with 3 family members, yellow | ||
city area will fill up. For each family member a | moves 2 of his family members into the city. Green (with 2 family members | ||
in the district) moves 1 of his into the city. Blue moves none into the city. | |||
player moves to the city, he takes 1 province |
| |
tile of the matching province color from the |
| |
general supply. Players always keep their |
| |
collected province tiles visible in their play |
| |
areas. |
| |
A player who has collected a complete set of |
| |
6 |
| |
returns them to the general supply and moves | Yellow, green, and blue all tie with the most in the district with 2 | ||
family members each. Each moves 1 family member into the city. | |||
his scoring markers forward as follows: | |||
Red moves none into the city. |
| ||
- 28 points after the 2nd round, |
| |
- 24 points after the 4th round, and |
| |
- 20 points after the 6th round. |
| |
After the 6th round’s scoring is completed, |
| |
players may also turn in sets of 5 different- |
| |
colored province tiles, scoring 10 points per |
| |
set. Finally, players score 1 point for each | Yellow and blue tie for the majority in the district with 2 family | ||
remaining province tile they have. | |||
members. Each moves 1 family member into the city. Green moves |
none into the city. One house remains vacant.
4.2 Returning family members
Players with at least 1 family member in a city may choose to return as many of them as they like to the districts. To do this, each player with family members in the city at issue places 1 or more return cards face down in front of himself. Then, all participating players turn their cards face up at the same time. The sum of the numbers of a player’s return cards
shows how many family members the player has chosen to return from the city to the districts connected to it. Beginning with the starting player, each player then moves this number of family members back to the districts they came from.
For each of a player’s family members still in the city when the return is finished, the player scores:
-4 points after the 2nd round,
-3 points after the 4th round, and
-0 points after the 6th round.
Additionally, the player with the most remaining family members in the city scores 4 points. In case of a tie, the tied player with family members in the greatest number of city districts scores the 4 points. If there is still a tie, the points get divided (rounding down where necessary). Afterward, place all family members remaining in the city back into the box; they are now out of the game.
Both players have 4 family members in the city. Red moves 2 back into the province, blue moves only 1 back. For the figures remaining in the city, the players earn points: blue earns 4 points, as he has the most family members in the city.