What is an amount of exercise?
Amount of exercise (Ex) refers to the unit indicating the amount of physical activity. To prevent lifestyle diseases, you are recommended to actively engage in a minimum of 23 Ex physical activities (exercise and daily activities) a week. It is also recommended that you check with the guideline by the health authority in your area.
Amount of exercise (Ex) = Intensity of physical activities (METs) x Time (hr).
Intensity of physical activities (METs) multiplied by duration (hr) of physical activity makes an amount of exercise (Ex).
METs = Metabolic Equivalents, the unit of intensity of physical activities
The unit for expressing the “intensity of physical activities” by the multiplication equivalent to the counterpart during rest. Normal walking is equivalent to 3 METs.
This product indicates the amount of exercise (Ex) by the number of steps.
Normal walking (3 METs) x 1 hour = 3 Ex Fast walking (4 METs) x 1 hour = 4 Ex