Label Decoration
Right Side
Left Side
Proper label application will help to keep the labels looking their best!
•Wash your hands before applying the labels.
•Make sure the areas where the labels will be applied are clean and dry. Wipe your vehicle with a clean, soft, dry cloth to remove any dust or oils.
•For best results, avoid applying a label more than once.
•Apply the labels as shown in the illustration above.
•After applying a label, rub the label firmly with a cloth to make sure the label is adhered to your vehicle.
Assembly is complete.
•Periodically, check the plastic parts and if broken or cracked, dispose of them properly.
•Periodically, check all fasteners regularly to be sure they are tight. If the fasteners are not tight, tighten them as necessary.
•To clean, use a mild soap and water solution and a clean cloth. Rinse clean with water to remove soap residue.
IMPORTANT! It is a good practice to start training children very young regarding the importance of helmet use. When children are older and riding bicycles and faster vehicles, it is important that they use a helmet each and every time they ride. For this reason, even while riding a tricycle, it is a good idea to familiarize your child with helmet use, so that it becomes a habit for life. Choose a helmet that complies with requirements of the applicable certifying agency for bicycle helmets.
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Canada: call
Great Britain: telephone 01628 500302.
Australia: Mattel Australia Pty. Ltd., 658 Church Street, Locked Bag #870, Richmond, Victoria 3121 Australia. Consumer Advisory Service 1300 135 312.
New Zealand:
Asia: Mattel East Asia Ltd, Room 1106, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, HK, China.
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