ProSpot Fitness P-100 manual

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Do not allow any liquid to be near the machineor spilled on any electricalpart. Do not insert any foreign objectinto the electricalbox or attemptto openit. If you haveany questionsor needhelp refer

to our websiteat:

1.Connectthe power supplyto a standard110-volthouseholdcurrent.While connectingthe powersupplydo not touchthe barbellasthis may interferewith the computer'sinitial settings. If you need to reset the computer,simply unplug the power supply, wait 10 secondsand reconnectit. It is recommendedthat surgeprotectionis usedto help protectandextendthe life of the ElectronicBox of the unit from power surgesand lightening strikes.A flashing green lightwill appearon theElectronicBox whenpoweris on.

Becomefamiliar with the Grab and Go@operation BEFORE placing weights on the barbell.

2.Positionthe SpotBlocks:Beforepositioningthe SpotBlocks,placethebarbellinto thelowest positionfor the exerciseyou will be performing.Move the barbellby graspingit and raisingit 1" to unlock.While graspingthe barbellraiseor lower it into the desiredposition.Openhands to lock the barbell in place.To move the Spot Blocks, place your index and middle fingers undemeaththe finger grip and your thumb on the push-releaselever. Pushin the push-release Ieverwith your thumb and move the SpotBlocks so that they aretouchingthe top of the slider locking block (theblack block with the ProSpotFitnessrMlogo on it). Releasethe push-release leverto lock theSpotBlock in place.

3.Assumea normalstartingpositionfor your desiredfree-weightexercise.

4.Graspthe barbell:

I.Rotatethe barbell so that the Touch SensorStrip embeddedin the barbell is touching your fingertips. It is necessaryfor your fingertips to maintain skin contactwith the

Touch SensorStrip throughoutyour free-weightexercise.

Il. Leam the Rule Of Thumb: Sometimesreferredto as a "false grip" or "sissy grip", ProSpot'sRule Of Thumb is a style of grip in which the thumb doesnot wrap around the bar but restsalongsidethe index fingers.Using this type of grip with your ProSpot FitnessrMequipmentwill preventyour thumb from maintainingskin contactwith the

Touch SensorStrip whenyou attemptto lock thebar in place.

'click' a solidredlight will

IIL Onceyou havegraspedthebarbell,you will heara soft and appe.uon the ElectronicBox in additionto theflashinggreenpowerlight.

5.While still graspingthebarbell,lift about 1", usingan evenupwardlifting motionon both sides of the barbell. This upward movementwill disengagethe locking mechanism.If you have performedthis stepcorrectly,the barbellwill now be underyour control,the cableswill move freely over the pulleysandthe sliderknuckleswill slide smoothlyup anddown the guideposts. You can now safely perform any free-weightexercisewithout the needof a spotter.Simply GrabandGo@!

6.Locking the barbellin place:When you arefinishedwith usingthebarbell,openyour handsto removeyour fingertipsfrom the Touch SensorStrip at the samecontinueto supportthe barbell with your palms.(Make sureno otherskin contactis beingmadewith theTouch SensorStrip.) Slowlylowerthebarbelluntilit locksintoposition.Thereis a lockingpositionevery1".Now

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Contents OwnersManual Pno$olfitnessp rMModerP-rooTableof Contents STEP# 1 Mainframeassembly STEP#2 Sensorweightbarinstallation UprightGuidepostAssemblyDiagram AssemblyDrawingof PROSPOTfirnessrM-100 Lil=l Following Rules should be Carfully Followed Page Page Maintenanceof ProSpotyfzessrMProduct MaintenanceProgramWarrantv Information RM PROSPOTfitnessModelP-100PartsList Always Usespotblocks