Sears 279827 manual Omen .o

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6, From the s',_ end of b'lereplacement motor, cut the thread_l portion of the motor shMt off using a hacksaw. See Rgure 3.



7._th an allenwrench, remove re pulley t'romthe dalec6ve motorand reinstallit on the mplacemem motor. Be _uro to push pull_y ontothe motor st,._ all the way andtightenthe setscrewsecurelyin place.

1Compare and note difference between the motor s_etah of the defe_,e motor and the switch of '_e

new mpa_ement motor, II the switches are the same, simply inst_l] the motor in reve_ order you've removed the defeotive motor. See F_v._e$ ,dA& 4B. If not. proce_:l to step 9.

NOTE: Overload protector is part of the plug- gable switch on the replacement motor and separete on the old motog 9wit_.

9.PositionmotoraSshownb_ 5. Note the locazior_

of the motor swl_. Secure zpotor to bracket with the odglnaJmotordamps.





omen .o





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Contents Source Dryer Motor KIT #279827 I0VE Pulley Installation and Wiring InstructionsOmen .o Nins MotorRal he