10.Jnk.',_'A_ _r,d m ..m_ the blue uml_r wito thlt runs _rom the mot(_ sw_tohto the oved_ at_d discer¢.
11. | " | s to |
" " _ | cu | |
__e | w_e_omlnmpto, s_eF_ra 8- |
tothe V4" retrainedrrm,W,ed "l"_on the motor sw'd_.
See F_re 6.
13.Connect b'tered (:P.M),_re lead from ma]n hame,_s _o the V,_"termlnal marked 'T on the motor swi_.
See F_ure 6.
14.'1"o oonnect b'mhie=k (61_ ,tAm le_ from n_n h_m a_d 1he v_lte _ v_ lead from n_n
,1,-_W_ te,m_Io_a¢,_'_,__ fem_
_nin_s _ | _1_ tl_e_ | motor. | |
15. cut t_ | _t4"_ | _r_al _ _he | _d |
to I_ | _mlnal | _ posmo_ewTtl_wire _!_. |
16. SMp wires I:_ck approndmatelyII, of _u_inch.
17. With barrel Cdml_rs, | crimp V_' _ | fema_ | ||
temdn_s, | ln_l_l | _ | motto, onto _e Wireleads. | |
NOTE: | Make | sure | terminels | ere crimped |
securely | In piece. |
18.C,onneol the white (SM) wire lead from mille Ilarness onto1tin _" terminal marked "6" on the matOr switch.
19._nrzect the black(6M) wire.leadfromm.l_nharnm_s onlo the V_"terminalmarked"6" on the'motorswitch. ,SeeF/gum6.
20. Reconnect ground _re, See Fngure_,
21, All wire lead cormecllonsarecompleteat this point. Finishreassemblingdryer.