GE WA8900S, WA8630S, MA8950S HOW to USE the HA~WASH System, ~pical Handwash System Wash Loads

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(on models so equipped)

~pical HANDWASH System Wash Loads

Small loads of regular fabrics

Delicate loads such as lingerie, panty hose, girdles,

(up to 2 pounds) (.9 kg).

blouses, sweaters, socks, shirts, baby clothes and


other small, delicate hand-washables.



How to Wash a Small Load of Regular Fabrics or Delicate Hand-Washables

Remove HEAVY DUTY agitator as follows:

—Push switches to


—Lift out HEAVY DUTY agitator leaving smaller HANDWASH agitator in place.

c Put measured detergent in the wash basket. See Detergent manufacturers instructions.

“ Load clothes in the wash basket.

See How to Use Bleach and Fabric Softener Dispenser sections.

Close I id and set controls as follows:

—Set Water Level to HAN DWASH position

—Select desired Wash/Spin speed and Wash/Rinse temperature or your Fabric Care Selection according to the fabrics you are washing.

—Push the Cycle Selector knob in and turn to the desired setting.

—Pull out Cycle Selector knob to start washer.

When washing stockings, panty hose and other easily tangled items, always handle separately. To minimize tangling, we recommend the use of a net laundry bag.

“ To replace the HEAVY DUTY agitator:

—Position outer agitator over HAN DWASH agitator and rotate until agitator falls easily into place. DO NOT FORCE.

—Press gently on HEAVY DUTY agitator until it is seated securely.

—Push switches to lock HEAVY DUTY agitator in place.


NOTE: Hand Wash agitator cannot be removed.


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Contents Usa’and~retiuide Help US Help YOU Read this book carefullyTo minimize the possibility of injury Wortant SAFEm ~STRUCTIONS For washer operationTWS to Help YOU Select SETT~GS HOW to Operate Your Clothes Washer ~ Select Was~inse Temperature ~ Select a Fabric Care program or Wash Spin Speed~ Select Water Level Total time includes pauses between each phase of the cycle OPEMT~G ~STRUCTIONSSorting and Loading Cycle Times Total Cycle Times Approximate MinutesCycle Suggested Permanent Press & Knits Special Instructions Down-filled garmentsFor Clothes LoaWabrics such as WasWSpin Speed HOW to Use the Bleach Dispenser on models so equipped HOW to Use the Auto Soak Cycle on models so equipped How to Use the Quick Wash CycleENERGY-SAVING T~S HOW to USE the HA~WASH System ~pical Handwash System Wash LoadsSmall loads of regular fabrics Remove Heavy Duty agitator as followsSort by Surface Texture Sort by SoilHOW to Load Your WAS~R To Add Items After the Washer Has StartedSelector knob How to use detergent granular, powdered or liquid ~RD WATER-DO YOU ~VE IT?Amount required varies according to Use more detergent if You haveLaundry Product and ~pe How to Use It Special Instructions OT~R LAU~RY ProductsCase of the Invisible Stain Once These Spots Become Visible, How Can You Remove Them?How Can You Prevent These After-You-Wash Stains? Stain White and Bleachable Fabrics Other Washable Fabrics Per pound of dry clothes Problem Solver Grayed ClothesShrinkage Knits To remove wrinklesSolver How to remove the agitator For models WWA8620S and WWA8630S Washer PausesPage Page Page Wdll Be There Warranty