GE WA8620S, WA8900S, WA8630S, MA8950S operating instructions Wdll Be There

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Wdll Be There

With the purchase of your new GE appliance, receive the assurance that ifyou ever need information or assistance from GE, we’ll be tiere. All you have to do is call—toll-free!

In-Home Repair Service


A GE consumer service professional will provide expert repair service, scheduled at a time that’s convenient. for you. Many GE Gonsurner Service company-operated locations offer yoLl service today or tomorrow, or at your convenience (7:()() a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays). Our factory-trained technicians know your appliance inside and out-so most.

repairs can be handled in just one visit..

GEAnswer Cente~

Whatever your question about any GE m~jor appliance, GE Answer ~;enter” information service is available to help. Your call—and your question-will be answered promptly and courteously. And you can call any time. GE Answer Center@ service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

kr Customers With Special Needs...


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Upon request, GE will provide Braille controls for a variety of C,E appliances, and a brochure to assist in planning a barrier-free

kitchen fi)r persons with limited mobility. To obtain these items, free of charge, call 800.62 (j.2000.

Gonsurners with impaired hearing or speech who have access to a TDD or a conventional teletypewriter may call 800-TDD-GEAC (800-853-4:322) to request information or service.

Service Contracts


YOL1 can have the secure feeling that C7E (;onsurner Service will still be there af’ter your warranty expires. Purchase a GE contract while your warranty is still in effect and you’ll receive a substantial discount. With a multiple-year contract, you’re assured of” filture service at today’s prices.

Patis andAccessories


Individuds quafified to service their own appliances can have needed parts or accessories sent directly to

their home. The GE parts system provides access to over 47,000 parts... and all GE Genuine Renewal Parts are fully warranted. VISA, Mastercard and Discover cards arc accepted.

User maintenance instructions contained in this booklet cover procedures intended to be performed by any user.

Other servicing gener~y shodd be referred to qutified service personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.

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Contents Usa’and~retiuide Read this book carefully Help US Help YOUTo minimize the possibility of injury For washer operation Wortant SAFEm ~STRUCTIONSTWS to Help YOU Select SETT~GS HOW to Operate Your Clothes Washer ~ Select Was~inse Temperature ~ Select a Fabric Care program or Wash Spin Speed~ Select Water Level Cycle Times Total Cycle Times Approximate Minutes Total time includes pauses between each phase of the cycleOPEMT~G ~STRUCTIONS Sorting and LoadingCycle Suggested Permanent Press & Knits Special Instructions Down-filled garmentsFor Clothes LoaWabrics such as WasWSpin Speed HOW to Use the Bleach Dispenser on models so equipped HOW to Use the Auto Soak Cycle on models so equipped How to Use the Quick Wash CycleENERGY-SAVING T~S Remove Heavy Duty agitator as follows HOW to USE the HA~WASH System~pical Handwash System Wash Loads Small loads of regular fabricsSort by Soil Sort by Surface TextureHOW to Load Your WAS~R To Add Items After the Washer Has StartedSelector knob Use more detergent if You have How to use detergent granular, powdered or liquid~RD WATER-DO YOU ~VE IT? Amount required varies according toOT~R LAU~RY Products Laundry Product and ~pe How to Use It Special InstructionsCase of the Invisible Stain Once These Spots Become Visible, How Can You Remove Them?How Can You Prevent These After-You-Wash Stains? Stain White and Bleachable Fabrics Other Washable Fabrics Per pound of dry clothes Grayed Clothes Problem SolverTo remove wrinkles Shrinkage KnitsSolver Washer Pauses How to remove the agitator For models WWA8620S and WWA8630SPage Page Page Wdll Be There Warranty