GE MA8950S HOW to Load Your WAS~R, To Add Items After the Washer Has Started, Selector knob

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This illustration, with clothes just reaching the Clothes Retaining Ring, shows a proper load. Clothes have ample room to move because they are not packed down, nor wrapped around the agitator. Clothes are loaded dry since wet items are likely to pack down which encourages overloading. This size load requires a full water fill.

What is the best size load of clothes—large, medium, or small? Save time, energy and detergent by avoiding extra use of the washer. Try to wash a full load of clothes. If you can it is better to save clothes until you have a full load. If you must wash smaller loads, save water, energy and detergent by adjusting the water level for the size of the load. See Operating Instructions.

s Load clothes dry.

Take a properly sorted group of clothes and drop them loosely in the wash basket in this order:

~Large items–like sheets. Do not wrap around the agitator.

~Small items–like washcloths.

~Medium size items–like towels.


Try to mix large and small items in each machine load for better washing action.

Wash large items (blankets, bed spreads, mattress pads, etc. ) separately.

If machine is overloaded, you may experience oversudsing or out of balance conditions.

To Add Items After the Washer Has Started

Turn off the washer by pushing in the Cycle

Selector knob.

Add any additional articles by submerging them next to the agitator.

NOTE: When washing stockings, panty hose and other easily tangled items, always handle separately. To minimize tangling, we recommend the use of a net laundry bag.

Special Recommendations for Washing Permanent Press If You Do Not Have a Dryer

If you are machine-washing permanent press clothes that you plan to line dry or drip-dry, use extra care to minimize wrinkling in the wash process:

Remove clothes promptly as soon as washer stops and hang immediately.

If you can select a water level, use more water than you would for a regular load. Use a medium water level for a small load. Use an extra large water level for a medium load.

Be careful not to overload washer. Permanent press clothes must have ample room to move freely. A medium size permanent press load is the largest that should be washed.


Image 14
Contents Usa’and~retiuide Help US Help YOU Read this book carefullyTo minimize the possibility of injury Wortant SAFEm ~STRUCTIONS For washer operationTWS to Help YOU Select SETT~GS HOW to Operate Your Clothes Washer ~ Select Water Level ~ Select Was~inse Temperature~ Select a Fabric Care program or Wash Spin Speed Sorting and Loading Total time includes pauses between each phase of the cycleOPEMT~G ~STRUCTIONS Cycle Times Total Cycle Times Approximate MinutesFor Clothes LoaWabrics such as WasWSpin Speed Cycle Suggested Permanent Press & KnitsSpecial Instructions Down-filled garments HOW to Use the Bleach Dispenser on models so equipped ENERGY-SAVING T~S HOW to Use the Auto Soak Cycle on models so equippedHow to Use the Quick Wash Cycle Small loads of regular fabrics HOW to USE the HA~WASH System~pical Handwash System Wash Loads Remove Heavy Duty agitator as followsSort by Surface Texture Sort by SoilSelector knob HOW to Load Your WAS~RTo Add Items After the Washer Has Started Amount required varies according to How to use detergent granular, powdered or liquid~RD WATER-DO YOU ~VE IT? Use more detergent if You haveLaundry Product and ~pe How to Use It Special Instructions OT~R LAU~RY ProductsHow Can You Prevent These After-You-Wash Stains? Case of the Invisible StainOnce These Spots Become Visible, How Can You Remove Them? Stain White and Bleachable Fabrics Other Washable Fabrics Per pound of dry clothes Problem Solver Grayed ClothesShrinkage Knits To remove wrinklesSolver How to remove the agitator For models WWA8620S and WWA8630S Washer PausesPage Page Page Wdll Be There Warranty