We’ll Be There
With the purchase ofyour new GE appliance, receive the assurance that if you ever need information or assistance from GE, we’ll be there. All you have to do is
In-Home Repair Service
A (JE consumer service profkssiorral” will provide expert repair service, scbedLlled ;{( ii time that (:onverlient for yoL1. Marry (;kl (;onsurner Service
GEAnswer Center@
Wh:i[ever your question abou[ any (IFI rn:jor :Ippliance, (1E Answer- (Ienter@ infi)rnl:~{iorr service is available [.() help. YOLlr
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..., =,.,
kr Customers With Special Needs...
Upon request., (;E will provide | (;onsumers with |
Br2iille controls” for a variety of (lF; | access to zi TDD or ;i conven tiorral teletypewriter rrr;iy |
appliances, and a brochure to | call |
assist in planning Li | inforrn;ttiorr” or service. |
kitchen fk)r persons with limited |
mobility, T() obtain these items, |
free of ’charge, c:dl 800.62 (;.2000. |
Service Contracts
YOL1 c;~rr b;ivc tbc secure fkeling that (;E; (;orlsunler Service will still be [here Zlf’ler your”
Patis andAccessories
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances
can have needed
User maintenance instructions contained in tiis booHet
cover procedures intended to be performed by any user.
Other servicing gener~y shodd be referred to qualified service personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.