Whirlpool 3950952REV.B Select the drain hose installation method you need

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Theinstallationdimensionsshownaretheminimumspaces allowable.Additionalspacingshouldbeconsideredfor easeof installationandservicing.

If closetdoor is installed,theminimumair openingsin topand bottomof door arerequired.Louvereddoorswith air openingsin top andbottomareacceptable. Companionappliancespacingshouldbeconsidered.

*Additionalclearancesfor wall, door andBoormoldingsmaybe required.

Lesdimensionsd’installation indiqukescorrespondentau minimumd’espaceadmissible.ConsidCrerdelaisserdesespaces plus grandspour faciliter I’installation et I’entretien.

Si la Portedu placardestinstallke,veiller i amknagerdes passagesd’air dedimensionsadCquatesen haut et en has. L’utilisation deportesg jalousies,avecouverturesde passaged’air en hautet en bas,estacceptable.

Tenir comptedesdimensionsd’un autreappareilinstalk!g proximitk, le casCchCant.

*Unespaceadditionnelpeut ?trerequispour les mouluresde Porteet deplancheret pour lesplinthes.

closet door Porte de placard


35:6 cm






43.2 cm (17”)








(4” min.)

Untapeandopenwasherlid. Removepackagesandhosesfrom washer.Followdirectionsfor your typeof drain system.

Select the drain hose installation method you need.

6ter lesrubansadhCsifset ouvrir le couvercledela laveuse.Sortir touslesemballages,tuyauxet documentationdela laveuse.Suivre lesinstructionspour vkre typede syskmed’Cvacuation.

Choisir la mkthode requise pour l’installation du tuyau d’&acuation.

If your home has:

You will

need to buy:

99 cm (39”) to



183 cm (72”)



high, 5.1 cm (2”)



dia standpipe



2.5 cm (1”) dia

5 cm (2”)

dia to 2.5 cm (1”) dia. standpipe


adapter, Part No. 3363920

floor drain

Washers with olastic drain hose



Siphon break, Part No. 285320; additional



drain hose, Part No. 335709; and Connector



Kit, Part No. 285442.



Washers with rubber drain hose



Additonal drain hose, Part No. 388423, and



Connector Kit, Part No. 285442.

overhead sewer

Standard 76 liters (20 gal), 86 cm (34”) high



drain tub or utility sink and sump pump



(available from local plumbing supplies).

standard 76 liters



(20 gal), 86 cm




high draii



tub or

utility sink



water not close by

2 longer

water inlet hoses:

1.8 m (6 ft) hoses, Part No. 76313; or 3 m (10 ft) hoses, Parr No. 350008

If a longerdrain hoseis needed,andyour washerhasaplastic drain hose,usecompletedrain hoseassembly

142cm (56 inches)long, PartNo.661575,or 53 cm

(21 inches) long drain hose,PartNo.3357090andConnectorKit, PartNo.285442.

If your washerhasa rubber drain hose,useadditionaldrain hose, PartNo.388423, andConnectorKit,PartNo.285442.

Si votre maison posssde :

un tuyau rigide d’kacuation de 99

cm (39 po) h 183 cm (72 po) de hauteur, et de 5,l cm (2 po) de dia

an tayau rigide d’tvacuation de 2,5 cm (1 po) de dii

un tuyau de rejet g I’kgout au plancher

un tuyau d’igout surelevk

un &kr de buanderie de 76 litres (20 al.) et de 86 cm t 34 po) de bauteur

source d’eau Cloignte

Vous aurez besoin d’acheter :


adaptareur de tuyau de 5 cm (2 po) de dia P 2,5 cm (1 po) de dia, piice no 3363920

I, .

Rondelles avec tuvau d evacuation plastiaue

Brise-siphon, piice no 285320; tuyau additionnel d’kcuation, pi&e no 335709; el nkessaire de connexion, pike no 285442.

.* ion en

Rondelles avec w d evacuat

saoutchouc Tuyau additionnel d’Cvacuation, pike no 388423; et le nkcessaire de connexion, pike no 285442

Bvier d’kacuation de buanderie standard de 76 litres (20 gal.), 86 cm (34 po) de hauteur ou Mer utilitaire et une pompe (disponible du foumisseur local d’articles de plomberie)


2 tuyaux d’arrivke d’eau lus long : tuyaux de

1,8m(6pi),piicen07 2313;oude3m(lO pi), pike no 350008

Thesekits areavailablefrom your local dealeror an authorized partsdistributor.

Siun tuyaud’&acuation plus long estrequiset si votrelaveusea un tuyau d’kvacuationen plastique,utiliser le nkessaire detuyau d’&acuation de 142 cm (56 po) de longueur, (pike no 661575), ou un tuyaud’&acuation de 53 cm (21 po) de longueur, (pike no 3357090) etle nkessaire deconnexion,pike no 285442.

Si votrelaveusepos&deun tuyaud’bacuation en caoutchouc, utiliser un tuyaud’&acuation additionnel (pike no 388423), et le nkessaire deconnexion,pike no 285442.

Cesnkessaires sentdisponiblesdevotremarchandlocal ou d’un distributeur autoriskdepikes.


Image 3
Contents Page Washers Literature package Rubber drain hose Voir Specificationsdel’installation electrique,, page4100psi Inlet hoses142cm 56 incheslong, PartNo.661575,or 53 cm Select the drain hose installation method you needLaveuseA Will beneeded.Seecharton Page3Sysdme de vidange dans I’Cvier de buanderie Than 183cm 72 inchesfrom bottomofwasher aInlets are plastic. do not Striporcrossthread ‘..’Savethe shipping strap to secure drain hose Two-thirdsturnSyst&medVvacuation au plancher Pourempecherl’eau d’evacuationde revenir dansla laveuseSuite ri lapage ScrewnutB downon legsto within 1.3cm l/2 inch FromAttachtophosefrom the inlet markedcto coldwaterfaucetF Suite de laPlacerI’extrCmitCrecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuationdansl’evier Suite a%laCallyour dealeror local authorizedservicecompany Depi&e 3950952R&. BImprimCaux8.-U

3950952REV.B specifications

The Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is a high-performance refrigerator water filter designed to provide clear, great-tasting water and ice while removing impurities. This filter is specifically engineered to fit select Whirlpool, KitchenAid, and Maytag refrigerator models, offering compatibility and efficiency for a wide range of households.

One of the standout features of the 3950952REV.B water filter is its advanced filtration technology. The filter utilizes a combination of activated carbon and multiple filtration media to effectively reduce contaminants such as lead, chlorine, and various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This multi-layered approach not only enhances the taste and clarity of water but also ensures that harmful substances are minimized, providing peace of mind for consumers.

In addition to its filtration capabilities, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is designed for easy installation and maintenance. The filter is equipped with a simple snap-in design, allowing users to replace it without the need for tools. This user-friendly feature ensures that maintaining clean, fresh drinking water is hassle-free. It is recommended to replace the filter every six months, or when the refrigerator alerts users to a filter change, ensuring optimal performance and continued purification.

Another notable characteristic of the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is its environmental sustainability. The filter is designed to reduce waste, as it avoids reliance on bottled water, promoting a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The long-lasting nature of the filter also means fewer replacements over time, further contributing to reduced plastic waste.

Durability and reliability are also key traits of the 3950952REV.B filter. Built with high-quality materials, it withstands the rigors of daily use, providing reliable service over its lifespan. This commitment to quality makes it an excellent choice for families and individuals who value not just convenience, but also safety in their water supply.

Overall, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B water filter combines advanced filtration technology, user-friendly design, environmental sustainability, and durability. It is an ideal solution for those seeking an efficient way to improve the quality of their drinking water and ice, ensuring a healthier lifestyle without compromising on taste or safety. Whether you're looking to enhance your kitchen's water supply or simply want to enjoy pure, refreshing hydration, this water filter stands out as a dependable choice.