Whirlpool 3950952REV.B Suite a%la, PlacerI’extrCmitCrecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuationdansl’evier

Page 8

Plastic drain hose is shown. Some washers may have rubber drain hose.

Tuyau d’kcuation en plastique illustrk Certaines laveuses peuvent avoir un tuyau d’hacuation en caoutchouc.

Continued from page 7.

Check that hose is not twisted or kinked and is securely in place.

Put“hook”endof dramhosein laundrytub (B) or standpipe

(C). Tightlywrap theshippingstrap(D) aroundthedrain hose andlaundrytub or standpipe.Pushplug into thenearesthole in theshippingstrap.

If thewaterinlet faucetsanddrain standpipearerecessed,put “hook’endof drain hose(E) in standpipe.Tightlywrapthe shippingstrap(F) aroundthedrain hoseandfaucetbody(G) (not thehandleor stem).Pushplug into thenearesthole in the shippingstrap.

If a longerdrain hoseis needed,andyourwasherhasplastic drain hose,usecompletedrain hoseassemby

142cm (56 inches)long, PartNo.661575,or 53 cm

(21 inches) long drain hose,PartNo.3357090andConnectorKit, PartNo.2S5442.

If your washerhasrubberdrain hose,useadditionaldrain hose, PartNo.388423andConnectorKit,PartNo.285442.Thesekits areavailablefrom your local dealeror an authorizedparts distributor.

Note: If washer is moved to adjust drain hose, the washer must be leveled again. Repeat leveling steps in Section E. Place cardboard under the washer aud carefully move washer to avoid damaging floor covering.

Suite a%la page 7.

Verifier que le tuyau d’Cvacuation n’est pas tordu ou dCformCet qu’il est bien immobilis6 en place.

PlacerI’extrCmitCrecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuationdansl’evier

(B)ou dansle tuyaude rejeta l’egout (C). Bienserrerla sangle d’expedition(D) autour du tuyaud’evacuationet del’evier de buanderieou du tuyaude rejeth l’egout. Pousserle boutonde blocagedansle trou le plus prochedela sangled’expedition.

Silesrobinetsd’arriveed’eauetle tuyaude rejet al’egout sont en retrait, placerl’extremiterecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuation

(E)dansle tuyaude rejeta l’egout. Bienserrerla sangle d’expedition(F) autourdu tuyaud’evacuationetle corpsdu robinet (G) (non la poigneeou la tige). Enfoncerle boutonde blocagedansle trou le plus prochede la sangled’expedition.

Si un tuyaud’evacuationplus long estnecessaireet si la laveuse estmunied’un tuyaud’hacuation en plastique,utiliser l’ensemblecompletde tuyaud’evacuationde

142cm (56 po) delong, no depiece661575,ou le tuyau d’evacuationde 53 cm (21 po) delong, no depiece3357090et le necessairede connexion,no depiece285442.

Sila laveusea un tuyaud’evacuationen caoutchouc,utiliser un tuyauadditionneld’evacuation,pieceno 388423et le necessaire deconnexion,pieceno 285442.Cesnecessairessont disponiblesdevotremarchandlocal ou d’un distributeur autorisedepieces.

Remarque : S’il est nCcessaire de deplacer la laveuse pour ajuster le tuyau d’hacuation, il faut de nouveau contr6ler l’aplomb de la laveuse. RCpeter les Ctapesde nivellement a la section E. Placer une feuille de carton sous la laveuse et la deplacer prudemment pour eviter d’endommager le redtement du plancher.





Checkthatall partsarenowinstalled.If thereis anextrapart, go backthroughstepsto seewhich stepwasskipped.


Turn on waterfaucetsandcheckfor leaks.Tightencouplingsif thereis leaking.DONOTOVERTIGHTEN;thiscouldcause damageto couplings.

Checkthatyouhaveall of your tools.Checkthattheshippingstrap wasremovedfrom the backof thewasherandusedto securethe drain hose.

Untapeandplug powersupplycord into groundedoutlet.

ReadtheUseandCareGuide.Startthewasherandallow it to completetheregularcycle. mn,

V&itier quetouteslespiecessontinstaKes. S’il resteunepiece, revoir touteslesCtapespour identifier quelle Ctapea Cteomise.

Ouvrir lesrobinetsd’eauet rechercherlesfuites;le casCcheant, resserrerlesraccords.NEPASSERREREXCESSIVEMEW, cecipourrait endommagerlesraccords.

Verifier si tousles outils quevousaviezau debutdu travail sont presents.S’assurerquela sangled’expeditiona eteenleveede l’arriere de la laveuseetutilisCepour l’immobilisation du tuyau d’evacuation.

Detacherle ruban adhesifdu cordon d’alimentationClectriqueet brancherle cordon sur uneprise decourant relieea la terre. Lire le Guided’utilisation et d’entretien.Mettrela laveuseen marcheetla laisserexecuterle programmeordinaire.


Youhavesuccessfullyinstalledyour new washer.Toget the mosteflcient usefrom your new washer,readyour Useand CareGuide.

KeepInstallation Instructions and Useand CareGuide.


Vousvenezde terminer l’instalhtion de votre nouuelk hveuse. Pour en obtenir &sage leplus e&ace, lisez votre Guide d’utilisation et d’entretien.

Conservezles instructions d’installation et le Guide d’utilisation et d’entretien.


Image 8
Contents Page Voir Specificationsdel’installation electrique,, page4 100psiInlet hoses Washers Literature package Rubber drain hoseSelect the drain hose installation method you need 142cm 56 incheslong, PartNo.661575,or 53 cmWill beneeded.Seecharton Page3 Sysdme de vidange dans I’Cvier de buanderieThan 183cm 72 inchesfrom bottomofwasher a LaveuseA‘..’ Savethe shipping strap to secure drain hoseTwo-thirdsturn Inlets are plastic. do not StriporcrossthreadSuite ri lapage Syst&medVvacuation au plancherPourempecherl’eau d’evacuationde revenir dansla laveuse From Attachtophosefrom the inlet markedcto coldwaterfaucetFSuite de la ScrewnutB downon legsto within 1.3cm l/2 inchSuite a%la PlacerI’extrCmitCrecourbeedu tuyaud’evacuationdansl’evierImprimCaux8.-U Callyour dealeror local authorizedservicecompanyDepi&e 3950952R&. B

3950952REV.B specifications

The Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is a high-performance refrigerator water filter designed to provide clear, great-tasting water and ice while removing impurities. This filter is specifically engineered to fit select Whirlpool, KitchenAid, and Maytag refrigerator models, offering compatibility and efficiency for a wide range of households.

One of the standout features of the 3950952REV.B water filter is its advanced filtration technology. The filter utilizes a combination of activated carbon and multiple filtration media to effectively reduce contaminants such as lead, chlorine, and various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This multi-layered approach not only enhances the taste and clarity of water but also ensures that harmful substances are minimized, providing peace of mind for consumers.

In addition to its filtration capabilities, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is designed for easy installation and maintenance. The filter is equipped with a simple snap-in design, allowing users to replace it without the need for tools. This user-friendly feature ensures that maintaining clean, fresh drinking water is hassle-free. It is recommended to replace the filter every six months, or when the refrigerator alerts users to a filter change, ensuring optimal performance and continued purification.

Another notable characteristic of the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B is its environmental sustainability. The filter is designed to reduce waste, as it avoids reliance on bottled water, promoting a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The long-lasting nature of the filter also means fewer replacements over time, further contributing to reduced plastic waste.

Durability and reliability are also key traits of the 3950952REV.B filter. Built with high-quality materials, it withstands the rigors of daily use, providing reliable service over its lifespan. This commitment to quality makes it an excellent choice for families and individuals who value not just convenience, but also safety in their water supply.

Overall, the Whirlpool 3950952REV.B water filter combines advanced filtration technology, user-friendly design, environmental sustainability, and durability. It is an ideal solution for those seeking an efficient way to improve the quality of their drinking water and ice, ensuring a healthier lifestyle without compromising on taste or safety. Whether you're looking to enhance your kitchen's water supply or simply want to enjoy pure, refreshing hydration, this water filter stands out as a dependable choice.