Understanding the control panel
Here I’m in command E F G H A
Programme selector knob and programmed start
Use this knob to select the wash programme.
Turnthisknobclockwiseonly. To select a programme, you should turn the knob so that the symbol/number of the desired programme is in line with the pointer on the control panel.
Now press on/off button I (positionI),pilotlampLwillstart flashing.
After 5", the setting will be accepted, pilot lamp L will stop flashing(stayinglit)andthewash cycle will begin.
Shouldyouwishtointerruptthe programme in progress or set a new one, select one of the symbols (Stop/Reset)andwait 5" : when the cancellation has been accepted, pilot lamp L flashes,andyoucanthenturnthe appliance off.
You can use this knob to delay the appliance's operation. Select one of the 3 delay time positions,presstheon/offbutton I (position I) and wait 5". The setting has now been accepted (pilot lamp L stays lit) and you can select the programme you desire.
Pilot lamp L has a particular flashing motion (2" on and 4" off) to indicate that a delayed start has been set.
Duringthisphase,youcanopen the appliance door and change the washing load, should you wish to do so.
Afterthewashcyclehasbeenset and accepted by the washer- dryer,turningtheknobwillhave no effect (except for when it is on positionStop/Reset).
The detergent dispenser with the additional bleach compartment is here.
Temperature control knob
It is used to set the wash tempe- rature indicated in the programme table. It also allows you to reduce the temperature recommended for the selected programme, and even to set a cold wash cycle ().
Drying cycle knob
Usethisknobtoselectthedesired drying cycle. Two options are available:
A - Based on time: From 40 minutes to 150.
B - Based on the damp level of the dry clothes:
Iron : slightly damp clothes, easy to iron.
Wardrobe :dryclothestoput away.
Extra dry : very dry clothes, recommendedfortowellingand bathrobes.
Acoolingstageisforeseenatthe end of the drying cycle.
Detergent dispenser
It is divided into three compartments:
2.Detergent for the wash cycle;
3.Fabric softeners.
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Margherita’s knobs are hidden. Just press them lightly in the middle to extract them.
This button allows you to interrupt a programme (on symbol ) keeping the washing soakingin waterbeforethespin cycle. It is a very useful button in particular because it can be usedfordelicatesandsynthetics. It is only to be used with wash
Silk and curtains: press button E and Margherita will drain the water.
Syntheticfabrics:pressbuttonE if you want a spin cycle, or turn
knob A to symbol | if you |
want the water to be drained. With "Daily wash" or "Hand wash", this function is not performed.
Slow spin
Use this button to reduce the spinning speed from 1200 to 600 rpm for the cotton programmes and from 850 to 600 rpm for the syntheticfabricsprogrammes.
Rapid wash
Thisbuttonreducesthelengthof the wash programme by about 30%. It cannot be used with specialprogrammes(seepage4) or those for wool and silk.
Stain removal (see page 8)
Thanks to this command, Mar- gherita will carry out a more in- tensive wash that optimises the effectiveness of the liquid additives, thus allowing more resistant stains to be removed. Whenyoupressthestainremoval button, you cannot activate the
When button I is pressed, the
Turningtheapplianceoffdoes not cancel the selected programme.
On-off lamp / door locked
Lamp L flashes slowly when the appliance is switched on and awaiting instructions and at the endofacycle,indicatingthatthe door can be opened. It flashes quickly when the door should not be opened. A steady light means the appliance has accepted the selected programme.
Drying cycle lamp
When this lamp is on, it means that knob C has been set on a dryingcycleandattheendofthe washcycle,theappliancewillrun theselectedtumbledryingcycle.
3Margherita - Instructions for installation and use