Useful tips to avoid mistakes
Never use your washer- dryer to wash...torn,frayingor
Watch the weight!
For best results, do not exceed the weight limits stated below (figuresshowweightwhendry):
-Resistantfabrics: 5,5kgmaximum
-Synthetic fabrics: 2.5kgmaximum
-Delicatefabrics: 2kgmaximum
-Pure new wool: 1kgmaximum
How much does it weigh?
1 sheet
1 pillow case
1 tablecloth
1 bathrobe
1 towel
Salopette alert.
Very popular “salopette” type overalls have straps with hooks that can damage the drum of your
Holidays: unplug the appliance.
When you go on holiday, we recommendthatyouunplugyour
For best results, we recommend you use a specific detergent, taking care not to wash more than 1 kg of laundry.
How to wash almost anything
Curtains. | Quilted coats and wind- | Trainers. |
Curtains tend to crease a great | cheaters. | Onceyouhaveremovedmudand |
deal. Here is a tip to reduce | You can wash quilted coats and | dirt from trainers, you can wash |
creasing: fold the curtains and | themwithjeansandothertough | |
place them in a pillow case or | padded with goose or duck | garments. Do not wash trainers |
mesh bag. Do not load anything | down. Do not load more than | withwhites. |
else, so that the overall weight |
| |
does not exceed the half load. | Repeatrinseonceortwiceusing |
Remember to use the specific | the gentle spin. |
programme 11 which automa- |
tically excludes the spin cycle. |
The first Washer-dryer to have "The Woolmark Company" recognition.
The Cashmere Gold wash programmehasbeenstudied formachinewashingeventhe most delicate and valuable wool and Cashmere garments.
“TheMerloniElettrodomesti- ci wool wash cycle has been tested and approved by The Woolmark Company for
washingWoolmarkgarments labelledas“handwash”.This is the first gentle action hand wash cycle approved by The Woolmark Company.” M.00221
This has been made possible thanks to the speed of the drum at 90 rpm, even during the rinse cycle, thus
preventing the fibres from rubbing.
Alwaysuseprogramme 10with garmentsbearingthehandwash symbol: the washbasin and hand.
To take care of your woollen items, we recommend you use specialdetergents.
7Margherita - Instructions for installation and use