To Convert from Natural Gas to L.P. Gas
NOTE: All dryers are sold as natural gas, unless otherwise specified at the time the dryer order was placed. For L.P. gas the dryer must be converted as follows.
Remove the four screws which secure the top cap assembly. This assembly contains the regulator adjustment screw and the terminal connections.
Replace the top cap assembly with the L.P. version.
To install the new L.P. orifices refer to “Replace Main Burner Orifices”.
NOTE: Use extreme care when removing and replacing orifices. These orifices are made of brass and are easily damaged.
Reverse the procedure for reinstalling valve assembly to the dryer.
Test all connections for leaks by brushing on a soapy water solution.
Never test for leaks with a flame!!!
NOTE: There is no regulator provided in an L.P. dryer. The column pressure must be regulated at the source (L.P. tank) or an external regulator must be added to each dryer.
To Replace Burner Tubes
Refer to “Replace Gas Valve” and follow the instructions up to “Remove gas valve/manifold assembly from dryer”.
Remove four screws securing manifold rest and remove rest.
Remove the screws securing the front flanges of the burner tubes to the burner tube rest.
Remove the screws securing the burner tube rest to the oven and remove this rest.
Remove screws securing the burner box cover plate to the oven and remove this plate.
Remove burner tubes by sliding them out. Replace by reversing procedure.
Test all connections for leaks by brushing on a soapy water solution.
Never test for leaks with a flame!!!
To Replace HSI Module / DSI Module
Discontinue electrical power to the dryer.
Remove the wires connected to the terminal strip at the bottom of the module.
Remove the two pal nuts securing the module to the mounting bracket.
Replace module by reversing procedure. Reestablish electrical power to the dryer.
To Replace Burner Hi-Limit Thermostat (Gas Models Only)
IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances should heat circuit safety devices ever be disabled.
Discontinue electrical power to the dryer. Disconnect wires from
Remove screw, washer, and nut securing thermostat to the bracket. Remove thermostat.
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