Humminbird 981 Side Imaging Technology HOW IT Works, Side Imaging on the Water Interpretation

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Side Imaging sonar uses two very precise sonar beams that are directed to either side of the boat and “illuminate” the bottom contour, structure, and fish, and display results in a “picture-like” image.

Side beams are extremely narrow from front to back, and provide “thin slices” of the bottom for high resolution imaging.

Side beams look out to a range of 240 feet, with a depth limitation of 100 feet.

The main benefit of Side Imaging sonar to anglers is that it provides an overall survey of a large area of water. This gives you a better understanding of the bottom topography and how structure is oriented for more efficient fishing. Saltwater anglers pick up precise details of popular fishing structure like wrecks, reefs, humps and drop- offs, as well as being able to spot bait balls in open water. Freshwater anglers can see fish-attracting structure such as timber, stumps, rocks and creek beds.

Side Imaging Representation

Creek Bed


Bait Ball

Fish Tree Stump


Water Column


Use the following side imaging examples to help you interpret the side imaging display.

Imaging Tips

Boat speed: Side imaging is best performed at boat speeds between 2 to 6 mph. If the boat is stationary, the same information is displayed over and over. If the boat is moving very quickly, there will be gaps between the strips of information. The best boat speed to use will depend on the side range selected. Slower speeds are good for longer ranges, while faster speeds can be used at shorter ranges.

Boat navigation: It is important to understand that when the boat turns, successive beam strips to one side will begin to overlap and the strips on the other side will fan out, providing some distortion to the image. Because of this, the best imaging performance is produced by straight line navigation and minimal side-to-side boat motion (i.e. wave induced, etc.) This applies to navigation by either the main engine or the trolling motor. Minimize turning time and avoid wave action that induces large side-to-side rocking of the boat. For example, if there is a lot of wave activity, try to move the boat so that it is perpendicular to the waves instead of parallel with the waves in order to minimize the side-to-side rocking of the boat.

Beam Coverage: When there is an area directly under the boat that does not have SI beam coverage, this area will be covered by the standard 50/200 kHz down-looking beam and displayed in the Sonar views. The net effect of this, on the display, is that a single object may appear as two separate entities when in reality, it is one continuous object. See Submerged Bridge: A Closer Perspective and the Submerged Bridge graphics on the next page for examples of this.


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Contents 98xManual531376-1A.qxd 2/23/2005 1139 AM Thank You Table of Contents Side Imaging X-Press Menu Menu System Start-Up Options MenuSonar X-Press Menu Sonar Menu TabAlarms Menu Tab Setup Menu TabViews Menu Tab Accessories Menu Tab Troubleshooting Contact HumminbirdSide Imaging Sonar Series IntroductionHOW the 900 Series Works Dualbeam Plus SonarMULTI-MEDIA Card MMC/SD Slot Multi-Media Card MMC/SD SlotInstallation Overview Accessory BUSAccessory Bus Control Head Installation 900 Series has a wide variety of configurationsGimbal Mounting the Control Head Mounting Screws Washer Gimbal Mounting Bracket Cables Routed Near Mounting Bracket Speed Communications Transducer Cable Collector InsertIn-dash mounting foam pads IN-DASH Mounting the Control HeadParts and tools specific to In-dash mounting are In-dash mounting template23/2005 Connecting the Control Head Power Cable to the Boat Beginning of this procedureTransom Transducer Trolling Motor Transducer Transducer InstallationMotor Position Transom Transducer Installation Stepped HullWithout deadrise adjustment Not a hull, motor, or other transducer, etcHeaded pin can be inserted from either side of the bracket Be fully tightened until all adjustments are madeCompletely tighten Force is necessary to pivot the assembly Normal CavitationTrolling Motor Transducer Installation Test and Finish the Transducer Installation Hand-tighten onlyFollow these steps to stem mount the GPS receiver To the cable as shownNo Access Under Mounting Location Access Under Mounting LocationAccess Under Mounting Location Speed Accessory Installation Finish Routing the Cable and Check GPS Receiver OperationInstall the Speed accessory Hand tighten onlyTesting the System Installation Rotating Retaining Axial Clip to Remove PaddlewheelPowering UP the Control Head Getting Started Using Your 900 SeriesWHAT’S on the Sonar Display TriplogReal Time Sonar RTS Window Understanding Sonar HistorySonar Bottom Presentation Understanding Side Imaging KHz provides highest resolution with 160 total beam widthKHz provides maximum coverage with 180 total beam width WHAT’S on the Side Imaging Display Topography Changes Bottom Return TriplogSide Imaging on the Water Interpretation Side Imaging Technology HOW IT WorksSide Imaging Representation Submerged Ravine with Timber Submerged Standing and Fallen Timber, Plus Bait Fish Submerged Swimming PoolView KEY POWER/LIGHT KEYKEY Functions Menu KEYExit KEY View Preset KeysWAY Cursor Control KEY Info KEYViews available on your 900 Series are ViewsMARK/GOTO KEY Sonar viewsSonar View Views and ReadoutsSonar View Sonar Zoom View Sonar Zoom ViewSplit Sonar View Split Sonar ViewSide Imaging View Side Imaging ViewSIDE/SONAR Combo View Side/Sonar Combo ViewChart/Bird’s Eye Combo View Bird’s Eye ViewChart View with Active Cursor Chart/Sonar ViewCHART/SIDE Combo View Chart/Side Combo ViewChart View with Cursor Present NavigationWAYPOINTS, Routes and Tracks Waypoints, Routes and TracksNavigate to a Waypoint or Position Chart View with Grid Chart View with TargetADD a Waypoint Target or Trolling Grid SAVE, Edit or Delete a Route Menu System Press MenuNormal Simulator System Status Sonar Tab, Normal Mode Sonar Tab, Advanced ModeSTART-UP Options Menu Start-Up Options MenuSimulator Self Test Accessory Test GPS Diagnostic ViewNormal Operation System StatusAccessory Test Screen Accessory TestGPS Diagnostic View Active Side To Adjust Split Screen PositionSonar X-PRESS Menu Split PositionSensitivity To adjust the SensitivityTo adjust the Upper Range Upper RangeLower Range Chart SpeedZoom Level Bottom Range Bottom LockSonar Colors Side Imaging Views only Highlight Split Position on the Side Imaging X-Press MenuSide Imaging X-Press Menu SI Sensitivity SI SideSI Range To change the SI Colors SI ColorsNavigation X-PRESS Menu Highlight SI Colors on the Side Imaging X-PressmenuTo Save Current Track Save Current TrackClear Current Track To Clear Current TrackSkip Next Waypoint Cancel NavigationSave Current Route Remove TargetTo Remove a Grid Remove GridSonar Menu TAB Only if a Grid is activeSide View Frequency Beam SelectFish ID+ To turn Fish ID+ on or off To change the Fish ID Sensitivity settingFish ID Sensitivity Highlight Fish ID Sensitivity on the Sonar main menuBottom View To change the RTS Window settingTo adjust the Bottom View Zoom WidthSurface Clutter KHZ SensitivityDepth Lines Noise FilterWater Type MAX DepthColor BAR Sonar View only, with Temperature input Temperature GraphTo change the display of the Temperature Graph Navigation Menu TABWaypoints TracksRoutes Trolling Grid Rotation Chart OrientationNorth Reference Trackpoint IntervalExport ALL NAV Data Track MIN DistanceMAP Datum Delete ALL NAV DataTo change the Chart Detail Level setting Chart Menu TABChart Detail Level MAP BordersShaded Depth LAT/LON GridSpot Soundings SET Simulation PositionSET MAP Offset Alarms Menu TABTo change the Map Offset setting Clear MAP OffsetLOW Battery Alarm Depth AlarmFish ID Alarm Temp AlarmArrival Alarm OFF Course AlarmDrift Alarm To change the Alarm Tone setting Alarm ToneSetup Menu TAB Highlight Alarm Tone on the Alarms main menuUnits Distance Units DepthUnits Temp Units SpeedRestore Defaults User ModeTriplog Reset LanguageDefault Sonar View Select ReadoutsDepth Offset To change the Depth Offset settingTo change the Temp Offset setting Temp OffsetDaylight Saving Time Speed CalibrationLocal Time Zone Position FormatDate Format Time FormatNmea Output Following views are available Views Menu TABTo turn Sonar on or off To Change the View Status of Any ViewSeries Doesn’t Power Up Accessories Menu TABTroubleshooting Series Defaults to Simulator with a Transducer AttachedDisplay Problems Control head loses power at high speedsNoise re-appears Finding the Cause of NoiseOther electronic devices Boat’s engineYear Limited Warranty Humminbird Service PolicySeries Accessories Returning Your Unit for ServiceFor IN-WARRANTY service, complete the following steps Specifications Area of CoverageAppendix a Transducer Mounting Template XHS-9-SI-160-TContact Humminbird