Humminbird 981 manual Tracks, Waypoints, Routes

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Tracks allows you to view the Tracks submenu.


To view the Tracks Submenu:


1. Highlight Tracks on the Navigation main menu.

Tracks Submenu

2. Use the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to view


the Tracks submenu.

The Tracks Submenu contains the following menu choices:

Edit allows you to select a previously-saved track and edit its name. Delete allows you to delete a track from a list of previously-saved tracks. Visibility allows you to display or hide each saved track.




Waypoints allows you to view the Waypoints




To view the Waypoints Submenu:


1. Highlight Waypoints on the Navigation main

Waypoints Submenu



2. Use the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to view


the Waypoints submenu.

The Waypoints Submenu contains the following menu choices:

Create allows you to create a new waypoint and edit it immediately. The current boat position will be used as the default, but you can set the coordinates to any valid position. The Icon used to represent the waypoint in the Chart and Combo Views can also be changed.

Edit allows you to choose from a list of previously-saved waypoints, then edit the Name, Position (Latitude and Longitude) and select the Icon that will be used to represent the waypoint in the Chart and Combo Views.

Delete allows you to delete a waypoint from the list of saved waypoints.

Go To allows you to select a waypoint and start navigation toward that waypoint, or add that waypoint to the end of the current route.

Target allows you to apply a target to a waypoint selected from the list of waypoints. Grid allows you to apply a trolling grid to a waypoint selected from the list of waypoints.




Routes allows you to view the Routes submenu.


To view the Routes Submenu:


1. Highlight Routes on the Navigation main menu.

Routes Submenu

2. Use the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to view

the Routes submenu.


The Routes Submenu contains the following menu choices:

Create allows you to create a new, empty route and add waypoints to it immediately. Edit allows you to select a previously-saved route and edit its name and the waypoints on it. Delete allows you to delete a route from a list of previously-saved routes.

Travel allows you to select a previously-saved route to use as the current route; this menu setting also begins navigation on this route. Routes can be traveled in either the forward or reverse direction.

Info displays information about the route, including the distance and bearing from each waypoint to the next.


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Contents 98xManual531376-1A.qxd 2/23/2005 1139 AM Thank You Table of Contents Menu System Start-Up Options Menu Sonar X-Press MenuSide Imaging X-Press Menu Sonar Menu TabAlarms Menu Tab Setup Menu TabViews Menu Tab Accessories Menu Tab Troubleshooting Contact HumminbirdSeries Introduction HOW the 900 Series WorksSide Imaging Sonar Dualbeam Plus SonarMULTI-MEDIA Card MMC/SD Slot Multi-Media Card MMC/SD SlotAccessory BUS Installation OverviewAccessory Bus Control Head Installation 900 Series has a wide variety of configurationsGimbal Mounting the Control Head Mounting Screws Washer Gimbal Mounting Bracket Cables Routed Near Mounting Bracket Speed Communications Transducer Cable Collector InsertIN-DASH Mounting the Control Head Parts and tools specific to In-dash mounting areIn-dash mounting foam pads In-dash mounting template23/2005 Connecting the Control Head Power Cable to the Boat Beginning of this procedureTransducer Installation Transom Transducer Trolling Motor TransducerMotor Position Transom Transducer Installation Stepped HullWithout deadrise adjustment Not a hull, motor, or other transducer, etcBe fully tightened until all adjustments are made Headed pin can be inserted from either side of the bracketCompletely tighten Force is necessary to pivot the assembly Normal CavitationTrolling Motor Transducer Installation Test and Finish the Transducer Installation Hand-tighten onlyFollow these steps to stem mount the GPS receiver To the cable as shownAccess Under Mounting Location No Access Under Mounting LocationAccess Under Mounting Location Speed Accessory Installation Finish Routing the Cable and Check GPS Receiver OperationInstall the Speed accessory Hand tighten onlyTesting the System Installation Rotating Retaining Axial Clip to Remove PaddlewheelPowering UP the Control Head Getting Started Using Your 900 SeriesWHAT’S on the Sonar Display TriplogUnderstanding Sonar History Real Time Sonar RTS WindowSonar Bottom Presentation KHz provides highest resolution with 160 total beam width Understanding Side ImagingKHz provides maximum coverage with 180 total beam width WHAT’S on the Side Imaging Display Topography Changes Bottom Return TriplogSide Imaging Technology HOW IT Works Side Imaging on the Water InterpretationSide Imaging Representation Submerged Ravine with Timber Submerged Standing and Fallen Timber, Plus Bait Fish Submerged Swimming PoolPOWER/LIGHT KEY KEY FunctionsView KEY Menu KEYView Preset Keys WAY Cursor Control KEYExit KEY Info KEYViews MARK/GOTO KEYViews available on your 900 Series are Sonar viewsViews and Readouts Sonar ViewSonar View Sonar Zoom View Sonar Zoom ViewSplit Sonar View Side Imaging ViewSplit Sonar View Side Imaging ViewSIDE/SONAR Combo View Side/Sonar Combo ViewChart/Bird’s Eye Combo View Bird’s Eye ViewChart View with Active Cursor Chart/Sonar ViewCHART/SIDE Combo View Chart/Side Combo ViewChart View with Cursor Present NavigationWAYPOINTS, Routes and Tracks Waypoints, Routes and TracksNavigate to a Waypoint or Position Chart View with Target Chart View with GridADD a Waypoint Target or Trolling Grid SAVE, Edit or Delete a Route Menu System Press MenuSonar Tab, Normal Mode Sonar Tab, Advanced Mode START-UP Options MenuNormal Simulator System Status Start-Up Options MenuSelf Test Accessory Test GPS Diagnostic View Normal OperationSimulator System StatusAccessory Test Accessory Test ScreenGPS Diagnostic View To Adjust Split Screen Position Sonar X-PRESS MenuActive Side Split PositionTo adjust the Sensitivity To adjust the Upper RangeSensitivity Upper RangeChart Speed Lower RangeZoom Level Bottom Lock Bottom RangeSonar Colors Highlight Split Position on the Side Imaging X-Press Menu Side Imaging Views onlySide Imaging X-Press Menu SI Side SI SensitivitySI Range SI Colors Navigation X-PRESS MenuTo change the SI Colors Highlight SI Colors on the Side Imaging X-PressmenuSave Current Track Clear Current TrackTo Save Current Track To Clear Current TrackCancel Navigation Save Current RouteSkip Next Waypoint Remove TargetRemove Grid Sonar Menu TABTo Remove a Grid Only if a Grid is activeBeam Select Side View FrequencyFish ID+ To change the Fish ID Sensitivity setting Fish ID SensitivityTo turn Fish ID+ on or off Highlight Fish ID Sensitivity on the Sonar main menuTo change the RTS Window setting To adjust the Bottom ViewBottom View Zoom WidthKHZ Sensitivity Depth LinesSurface Clutter Noise FilterMAX Depth Water TypeColor BAR Temperature Graph To change the display of the Temperature GraphSonar View only, with Temperature input Navigation Menu TABTracks WaypointsRoutes Chart Orientation North ReferenceTrolling Grid Rotation Trackpoint IntervalTrack MIN Distance MAP DatumExport ALL NAV Data Delete ALL NAV DataChart Menu TAB Chart Detail LevelTo change the Chart Detail Level setting MAP BordersLAT/LON Grid Spot SoundingsShaded Depth SET Simulation PositionAlarms Menu TAB To change the Map Offset settingSET MAP Offset Clear MAP OffsetDepth Alarm Fish ID AlarmLOW Battery Alarm Temp AlarmOFF Course Alarm Arrival AlarmDrift Alarm Alarm Tone Setup Menu TABTo change the Alarm Tone setting Highlight Alarm Tone on the Alarms main menuUnits Depth Units TempUnits Distance Units SpeedUser Mode Triplog ResetRestore Defaults LanguageDefault Sonar View Select ReadoutsTo change the Depth Offset setting To change the Temp Offset settingDepth Offset Temp OffsetSpeed Calibration Local Time ZoneDaylight Saving Time Position FormatTime Format Date FormatNmea Output Views Menu TAB To turn Sonar on or offFollowing views are available To Change the View Status of Any ViewAccessories Menu TAB TroubleshootingSeries Doesn’t Power Up Series Defaults to Simulator with a Transducer AttachedDisplay Problems Control head loses power at high speedsFinding the Cause of Noise Other electronic devicesNoise re-appears Boat’s engineYear Limited Warranty Humminbird Service PolicyReturning Your Unit for Service Series AccessoriesFor IN-WARRANTY service, complete the following steps Specifications Area of CoverageAppendix a Transducer Mounting Template XHS-9-SI-160-TContact Humminbird