ID "OFF" disables the units interpretation of targets, and displays the "raw" sonar information as it is received. Advanced users may prefer this type of presentation, so they can make there own interpretation from the information displayed.
Scroll Rate controls the update rate of the display. There are five rate settings available. You may speed up or slow down the rate to match your personal preference. To present the most accurate representation of the terrain beneath your boat, the scroll rate of the display should be approximately synchronized to the speed of the boat. If your boat is stationary, or moving slowly, select a slower scroll rate, and if you typically operate the boat at high speeds, use a faster scroll rate.
The Wide Eye contains the unique ability to be adaptable in operation to match the experience level of the user. Users inexperienced in the operation of the Wide Eye should use the factory "Normal" setting. As your experience increases, you will benefit from many of the changes that occur when "Advanced" operating mode is selected. The selection is made in the System Menu and affects the following changes:
The base screen layout is modified to make the maximum number of vertical pixels available for the active depth range. To accomplish this, symbols such as Sensitivity setting, and Fish Alarm indicators, are removed. The number of vertical pixels used in the range determine the units ability to separate targets which are close together, or close to the bottom. When the number of pixels in a given range is increased, the distance represented by each pixel is decreased.
When a menu adjustment is made, the menu goes
These changes are designed to make the maximum use of the available screen resolution, and speed up operations that
restrict the view of the bottom.
Wide Side is an accessory transducer that gives your Wide Eye the capability of collecting sonar information from either side of your boat.