Philips 241S4 user manual Proximity of Pixel Defects, For the proximity of pixel defects, Tables

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7. Customer care and warranty








Proximity of Pixel Defects

A red or blue bright dot must be more than 50

Because pixel and sub pixels defects of the

percent brighter than neighboring dots while

same type that are near to one another may be

a green bright dot is 30 percent brighter than


neighboring dots.

for the proximity of pixel defects.

Black Dot Defects






Black dot defects appear as pixels or sub pixels






that are always dark or 'off'.That is, a dark dot is






a sub-pixel that stands out on the screen when











the monitor displays a light pattern.These are






the types of black dot defects.






Pixel Defect Tolerances
















In order to qualify for repair or replacement











due to pixel defects during the warranty period,












monitor must have pixel or sub pixel defects






exceeding the tolerances listed in the following


















1 lit subpixel





2 adjacent lit subpixels





3 adjacent lit subpixels (one white pixel)





Distance between two bright dot defects*






Total bright dot defects of all types














1 dark subpixel



5 or fewer



2 adjacent dark subpixels



2 or fewer



3 adjacent dark subpixels





Distance between two black dot defects*






Total black dot defects of all types



5 or fewer












Total bright or black dot defects of all types



5 or fewer



1.1. 1 or 2 adjacent sub pixel defects = 1 dot defect

2.This monitor is ISO9241-307 compliant .Class-I compliant.(ISO9241-307: Ergonomic requirement,analysis and compliance test methods for electronic visual displays)

3.ISO9241-307 is the successor of formerly known ISO13406 standard, which is withdrawn by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) per: 2008-11-13.


Image 35
Contents Customer care and warranty Troubleshooting & FAQs Table of Contents Operation Safety precautions and maintenanceNotational Descriptions Taking back/Recycling Information for Customers Disposal of product and packing materialWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Weee241S4LC Setting up the monitorInstallation Package contents 241S4LSetting up the monitor Movie, Game, Economy, Off Operating the monitorWKHPRQLWRUÀUPO\ OFFFRQÀUPWKHFKRLFHRUFKDQJH OSD MenuBasic and simple instruction on the control keys Pivot 5HVROXWLRQQRWLÀFDWLRQRemove the Base Assembly for Vesa Mounting Remove the screws from hinge cover Remove the base assembly SmartImage Image OptimizationFirst launch -Wizard SmartContrastPhilips SmartControl Premium Image Optimization Image Optimization First Color Calibration Screen OptionAuto Pivot Image Optimization  Technical Support Displays the tech support Context Menu has four entries Tune Display Opens the SmartControl Premium control panel 7KHWDVNWUD\KDVÀYHHQWULHVOther alternative path Vista SmartDesktop GuideWhen Title Bar Options Image Optimization YES Technical SpecificationsLCD LED6SHFLÀF6XEVWDQFHV MtbfRohs YES Epeat Resolution & Preset Modes 3RZHU0DQDJHPHQWHÀQLWLRQ Power ManagementQHUJ\IÀFLHQF\ Regulatory Information‡ GS EK1-20002013 GS mark requirement Lead-free ProductEpeat Electronic Product Environmental Product also comply with the following standardsFederal Communications Commission FCC Notice U.S. Only Energy Star Declaration3ROLVK&HQWHUIRU7HVWLQJDQG&HUWLÀFDWLRQ EN 55022 Compliance Czech Republic OnlyAchtung Beim Aufstellen VarningVaroitus RoHS China RoHSTypes of Pixel Defects Customer care and warrantyPhilips’ Flat Panel Monitors Pixel Defect Policy Pixels and Sub pixelsTotal bright dot defects of all types Proximity of Pixel DefectsFor the proximity of pixel defects TablesAnovo CH Customer Care & WarrantyRTS MSICPS IBAFujitsu AMCASP Contact Information for Apmea region+RULRQWDOÁLFNHUDSSHDUV Troubleshooting9HUWLFDOÁLFNHUDSSHDUV SmartControl Premium FAQs Display this video mode? General FAQsRecommended resolution for this Do if the screen shows CannotMonitor adjustments via OSD? How do I adjust the resolution?Desired resolution under Windows What if I get lost when I am makingTroubleshooting & FAQs 6SHFLÀFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH