•Enable Report Filtering — Select this option to filter the data from the report. For the list of data that is filtered, see the “Report Filtering” section in the Dell System
•Automatically Upload the Report to Dell — Select this option to upload the report to Dell Technical Support when requested.
6.Click Next.
The Report Settings to Skip Specific Information window is displayed.
7.Clear the options for which information is not required to be collected in the report. The options are:
•Hardware Information
•Storage Information
•Software Information
•Log Files
8.Select the Gather Advanced Log Files Information option to collect all the log information in the report.
NOTE: If you select advanced log files option, by default, all the logs are collected and may create large size reports.
9.Click Next.
The Ready to Collect Report window is displayed.
10.Click Start.
The Updating System window is displayed indicating the status of report collection.
11.Click Finish in the Dell System
The report is saved on the desktop or at the specified location.
To view the report, unzip the .zip file using the password ’dell’. For more information, see the Viewing DSET Report section in the user's guide..
Using CLI For Windows Operating System
To run the DSET application, run the following command:
•Dell_DSET_(version number).exe — This invokes the GUI.
•Dell_DSET_(version number).exe REPORTNAME=<name> COLLECT=<hw,sw,st,lg,ad> UPLOAD=auto PRIVACY='yesno' /qn — This is for silent Zero Footprint report collection.
<name> is a valid Windows filepath, filename, or both filepath and filename
<hw,sw,st,lg,ad> are independent report options that can be specified together with a comma separator without any space.
hw = All hardware information
sw = All software (and operating system) information st = All storage information
lg = All logs from the operating system and various applications ad = Include advanced log items