Navman 4433, 4432 operation manual KHz display, 200/83 Khz display

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83 kHz display

200 kHz display

Note the wider bottom trace

200/83 Khz display

Dual screen

Note the smaller, defined fish arches and more bottom detail.

FISH 4432/4433 Installation and Operation Manual



Image 18
Contents Pilot Contents Navman Introduction Benefits of the Fish 4432/4433Basic Operation How the Fish 4432/4433 worksKey Names Backlight Adjustment Power On / Auto PowerPower Off Key OperationSetting up the Fish 4432/4433 Simulate ModeManual, Fishing and Cruising Modes Setup menu and options Backlight Snooze Mode Setup SystemAuto power off Factory resetScroll speed Fish symbolsPulse power Digit sizeReset total dist Setup LogsReset trip dist Reset engine hoursSetup Units Setup AlarmsAlarms automatically re-enable Flashing light and/or external beeperNmea data Setup Comms 4433 onlySetup Calibrate Nmea OutFuel TemperatureTemp filter Keel offsetStrength of echoes Using the Fish 4432/4433Interpreting the display Bottom typesExample of shadows Frequency and cone widthShadows Depth 83 kHz 200 kHzSingle and Dual frequency fishfinding When to use 200 kHz When to use 83 kHzAuto frequency KHz display 200/83 Khz displayFish detection and display Where to find fish Fish symbols OnFish arches Gain Changing between Cruising, Fishing and ManualObtaining the best results Changing the Range Mode RangeZoom Range and Zoom Offset Sonar display DisplaysDisplay menu Data headerScope Sonar HistorySonar Zoom display Bottom lockSonar Bottom display Sonar 83/200 displaySonar A-Scope display Fish recognition Scope perspective viewFuel display 4433 only Data display About displayNmea wiring Option Fish 4433 only Wiring OptionsBasic wiring Wire FunctionAuto power option Secondary alarm wiring option Fish 4433 onlyFuel kit wiring Fish 4433 only Through hull transducersOptions and Accessories What comes with this product?Mounting and removing the display unit Bracket Mounting Flush MountingRemoving the display unit Systems of several instruments 4433 0nlyCleaning and maintenance RepeatAppendix a Specifications Specifications FishAppendix B Dimensions Appendix C Troubleshooting Fishfinder won’t turn onBottom is not displayed Fishfinder won’t turn offFishfinder operates erratically Bottom is displayed too far up the screenErratic Fuel Flow readings Twin engine installation shows only one flow rateFlow indicates no fuel or low fuel There is no reading for fuel economyHow to contact us OceaniaFish 4 432 / 4