Measuring range by VRM
1)Press the VRM ON key to enable a VRM. Each pressing of the key enables the No.1 VRM or No.2 VRM alternately. The active marker’s readout is circumscribed.
VRM 5.03nm No.1 VRM
12.5nm No.2 VRM
Figure 1-11 Location of VRM readouts
2)Operate the VRM control to place the outside edge of the VRM on the inside edge of the target.
3)Check the VRM readout at the bottom right corner of the display to find the range to the target.
1.15 Measuring Bearing
Measuring bearing by cursor
Rotate the trackball to set the cursor intersection on the center of the target. The bearing to the cur- sor intersection appears at the bottom of the dis- play.
Measuring bearing by EBL
1)Press the EBL ON key to enable an EBL. Each pressing of the key enables the No.1 EBL or No.2 EBL alternately. The active marker’s readout is circumscribed.
2)Operate the EBL control to bisect the target with the EBL.
3)Check the EBL readout at the bottom left cor- ner of the display.
No.1 VRM
| Target |
| No.2 VRM |
VRM | 5.0nm | No.1 VRM range |
4.0nm | No.2 VRM range |
No.1 EBL bearing 50.0°R
No.2 EBL bearing 80.0°R
Figure 1-12 How to measure range by VRM
Erasing VRMs
1)If two VRMs are displayed, press the VRM ON key to circumscribe the VRM readout of the VRM you want to keep active.
2)Press the VRM OFF key. The VRM readout and its associated VRM are erased.
Note: You can select unit of range measurement for the cursor and VRM on the INITIAL menu. For further details see 1.37 Selecting Unit of Range Measurement, Bearing Reference. This function is not available on the
Figure 1-13 How to measure bearing by EBL
Note 1: You can display EBL bearing relative to own ship (relative) or with reference to the north (True). For further details see 1.38 Selecting Unit of Range Measurement, Bearing Reference. Bear- ing reference cannot be selected on the
Note 2: Suffix "T" denotes true bearing (for gy- rocompass input) and suffix "M" denotes mag- netic bearing (magnetic compass input).
Erasing EBLs
1)If two EBLs are displayed, press the EBL ON key to circumscribe the VRM readout of the VRM you want to keep active.
2)Press the EBL OFF key. The EBL readout and its associated EBL are erased.
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