Furuno 1833C, 1933C, 1943C manual Contents of radar display setup menu con’t from previous

Page 176


Contents of radar display setup menu (con’t from previous page)




Default Setting


Chooses colors of background,




range rings and characters.

Background: Black



Effective when HUE soft key is set

Rings: Green




Characters: Green








Background: Black




Rings: Green




Characters: Red








Background: Blue




Rings: White




Characters: White




DK Blue/White




Background: Dark








Rings: Green




Characters: Red








Background: White




Rings: Green




Characters: Green


Echo Color

Chooses echo color.

Yellow, Green,








(Multi-color shows




echoes in red, yellow




or green in order of










2ND Echo

Reduces second-trace echoes. See

On, Off



the paragraph “2.24 Suppressing




Second-trace Echoes.”




Sets watchman stand-by period.

5, 10, 20 minutes

5 minutes


For further details see the




paragraph “ 2.23 Watchman.”



Range Unit

Select unit of range measurement.

nm, km, sm


Trail Mode

Sets echo trail reference.

True: Echo trails




plotted in actual



Note: Relative trail is available in all

courses and speeds.



presentation modes except true

Requires compass



motion. True trail is available in all

signal and speed








Relative: Echo trails




move relative to own







Image 176
Contents Page R 0 0 Safety Instructions Table of Contents Iii Plotter Operation Video Sounder Operation Customizing Your Unit Vii Data TransferForeword ViiiFeatures Model Output Range RadarSingle-unit NavNet system Model 1833C/1933C/1943C Single-unit NavNet system Model 1833C/1933C/1943CSingle-unit NavNet system GD-1900C Single-unit NavNet system GD-1900CXii Two-unit NavNet systemTwo-unit NavNet system Three-or-more-unit NavNet systemOperational Overview Operating Controls Display unit controlsOverview of display unit controls Control panelSoft keys Display unit12/LP 3nm Radar and plotter displaysRemote controller Remote controllerInserting a Chart Card Chart card and card removerTurning the Unit On/Off Startup sequenceBrilliance adjustment soft keys Display Brilliance, Panel Brilliance, HueDisplay brilliance, panel brilliance Display brilliance and panel brilliance windows2 Hue Hue windowSelecting a Display Display modesDisplay screens Screen type and available display screenRadar combination screen selection window Selecting a displayDisplay screen selection window Switching control in combination and overlay screens To adjust plotterRadar source and sounder source windows Selecting image sourceSelect source menu Trackball, Cursor Cursor, cursor dataMOB mark messages Entering the MOB Mark, Setting MOB as DestinationMOB concept Data boxes Data BoxesShowing, hiding data boxes with soft key Rearranging data boxes Temporarily erasing a data boxFunction Keys Executing a function16.0 nm Function keysSimulation setup menu Simulation DisplayPlotter RadarNavNet display unit-generated echoes Sounder Radar Display + 359.9 ˚R12/ LP Radar displayTuning Adjusting the GainTuning window Transmitting, Stand-byGain adjustment soft keys Gain sensitivity windowAdjusting the A/C SEA SEA setting windowReducing Sea Clutter How the A/C SEA worksReducing Precipitation Clutter Adjusting the A/C RainRain setting window Range scales km Range ScaleRange scales nm, sm Signal process soft keys PulselengthRadar display soft keys Presentation ModeSelecting a presentation mode Head-up presentation mode Course-up presentation modeDescription of presentation modes Head-up HUNorth-up presentation mode True motion presentation modeNorth-up NU True motion TMRadar display soft keys Measuring the RangeMeasuring range by range rings How to measure range to a target with the cursor Measuring range by cursorMeasuring range by VRM EBL/VRM soft keysMeasuring the Bearing How to measure bearing with the EBL Erasing an EBL, EBL indicationErasing EBL/VRM data boxes Hiding EBL/VRM data boxesErasing the Heading Line, North Marker Reducing Noise InterferenceRejecting Radar Interference Radar interferenceZoom Zooming in on radar targetsZooming in on ARP, TTM targets ZoomShifting the Picture Manual shiftTarget no. selection window Shifting the picture manuallySetting automatic shift maximum speed Auto ship speed setting windowAutomatic shift Automatic shiftPredicting collision course with the offset EBL Using the Offset EBLPredicting collision course Measuring range & bearing between two targets Measuring range and bearing between two targetsEcho Trails Trail timeSample echo trails Trail soft keysMultitone and monotone trails Starting echo trailsTrail gradation Echo trail mode Trail mode windowTrail color Trail color windowEcho Stretch Types of echo stretchEcho Averaging Effect of echo averagingOutputting TLL Data Target soft keysHow to set a guard alarm zone Guard AlarmSetting a guard alarm zone When the alarm is violated… Cancelling the guard alarmSetting watchman stand-by interval WatchmanHow watchman works Turning on/off watchmanSuppressing Second-trace Echoes Second-trace echoesWaypoint Marker Waypoint marker26 ARP, TTM Operation Display accuracy is affected by the followingARP target info window ARP setup menuActivating/deactivating ARP, TTM ARP plot symbols Acquiring and tracking targets ARPManual acquisition Automatic acquisitionARP target number Displaying target number ARP, TTMAutomatic acquisition area Cancel all targets window Terminating tracking of ARP targetsTerminating tracking of selected targets Terminating tracking of all targetsVector reference, vector time Setting vector attributes ARPWhat is a vector? History interval window Displaying past position ARPPast position displays 26.7 ARP, TTM target data ARP target data26.8 CPA/TCPA alarm ARP CPA windowLost target alarm ARP Canceling a lost targetTcpa window Lost target markMinimum and maximum ranges Interpreting the Radar DisplayGeneral Radar resolution Bearing resolutionRange resolution Bearing accuracyFalse echoes Multiple echoesMultiple echoes Sidelobe echoesVirtual image Virtual imageShadow sectors Shadow sectorsAppearance of Sart signal on the radar display Sart Search and Rescue TransponderGeneral procedure for detecting Sart response General remarks on receiving SartAppearance of racon signal on the radar display Racon Radar BeaconSEA control Rain controlFull-screen plotter display Plotter DisplaysFull-screen plotter display 001WPT Contents of nav data windowNav data window Compass display Compass displayReading the XTE cross-track error monitor Setting the range for the XTE monitorXTE range setting window Soft keysHighway display Highway displayNav data display Nav data displaysPlotter display, north-up mode North-upPlotter display, auto course-up mode Course-upAuto course-up Plotter display, course-up mode, destination setShifting the Display Chart ScaleCharts scales Chart icons and their meanings Chart CardsChart card overview When a chart cannot be displayed Indices and chart enlargementSample chart Japan, showing indices Data for aids to navigation Furuno and NavCharts chartsChart symbols Port service icons NavCharts only Plotter display, showing port service displayMAP charts Cursor and data displayObjects window Example of caution area windowObject windows Icon dataLighthouse icon Objects window Sample lighthouse dataTide information Tide window Date windowWorking with Track Displaying trackOwn ship track Track control menuStopping, restarting plotting of own ship track Target trackOwn ship track color window Changing track colorOwn ship’s track Track plotting method and interval for own ship track Track plotting methodInterval window Track plotting intervalChanging own ship track/mark distribution setting Track memory windowErase menu Erasing trackErasing own ship track by area Erasing own ship track by color Erase track by color windowErasing all own ship track Erasing all target tracksMarks, Lines Entering a mark, lineChanging mark attributes Marks & lines menuSelecting line type Marks shape windowMarks§& lines menu Lines style windowErasing marks, lines Erasing an individual markErasing an individual line Erasing marks, lines by areaWaypoints Entering waypointsEntering a waypoint at own ship position Entering a waypoint with the cursorWaypoint mark shape selection window Waypoint mark color selection windowEntering a waypoint by range and bearing Editing waypoint data Entering a waypoint from the waypoint listAlphanumeric and local waypoint lists Editing waypoint data from the waypoint listEditing a waypoint from the plotter display Plotter displayErasing waypoints Erasing a waypoint directly from the plotter displayErasing a waypoint from the menu Erasing a waypoint from the waypoint listChanging waypoint mark size FURUNO, NavCharts Chart details menuSearching waypoints Alphanumeric listRoutes Creating routesEntering a route with existing waypoints Route menuNew route entry screen Entering a route with the cursorSave route window Creating voyage-based routesSave route menu To stop recording waypoints and save the route Displays for entry of time, distance intervalFor manual entry of waypoints, do the following Connecting routes Connect route windowInserting waypoints Inserting a waypoint from the route listEdit route menu Waypoint list for editing a route local listInserting a waypoint from the plotter display Inserting a waypoint in an intermediate location on a routeRemoving waypoints from a route Erasing routesRemoving a waypoint from the route list Removing a waypoint from the plotter displayNavigation Navigating to a quick pointSelecting quick point entry method Go to method windowNavigating to waypoints Navigating to multiple quick pointsSelecting a waypoint from the plotter display Selecting a waypoint from the waypoint listNavigating to ports, port services NavCharts only Port services and sample port listSample filling station locations southern Italy Following a route Selecting the route to followPlotter display, route selected as destination Navigating waypoints in reverse orderLog display Example of when to restart navigationRestarting navigation Setting speed for ETA calculation Switching waypointsAutomatic waypoint switching methods Select speed for ETA windowCanceling route navigation Alarms Audio alarm on/offPlotter alarm menu Audio alarm windowArrival alarm window Arrival alarmHow the arrival alarm works Anchor watch alarm window Anchor watch alarmHow the anchor watch alarm works XTE Cross-Track Error alarm Speed alarmHow the XTE alarm works XTE alarm windowProximity mark Proximity alarmProximity alarm window Trip alarm Trip alarm windowAlarm information Plotter alarm menu,Alarm messages Plotter alarm messages and their meaningsResetting Trip Distance General setup menu,Principle of Operation Underwater conditions and video sounder displaySelecting a sounder display Display mode windowSounder Displays 120 Description of sounder displaysSingle-frequency display Indications on the single frequency displayDual-frequency display Dual-frequency display KHz pictureSounding area and transmission frequency Marker-zoom displayBottom-zoom display plus normal sounder display Marker-zoom display plus normal sounder displayBottom-zoom display Bottom-lock display Bottom-lock display plus normal sounder displayBottom discrimination display Bottom discrimination displayScope display display only Scope displayHow to use the Split soft key example dual frequency display Selecting screen split method in combination displaysHow to enable automatic sounder operation Automatic Sounder OperationHow the automatic sounder works Types of automatic sounder modesSelecting the manual mode Adjusting the gainManual Sounder Operation Selecting display rangeShift concept Shifting the rangeGain window How to measure depth and time Measuring Depth, TimeNoise limiter window Reducing InterferenceTypes of interference Clutter window Reducing Low Level NoiseAppearance of clutter Appearance of weak echoes Signal level windowErasing Weak Echoes White marker window Color bar 16 color when white marker function is activeWhite Marker Picture advance window Picture Advance SpeedAdvancement independent of ship’s speed How the speed-dependent picture advance mode works Advancement synchronized with ship’s speedDisplay Colors Hue no. and background and echo colorsSounder alarm menu Alarm audio windowBottom alarm Fish alarmBottom alarm window Fish alarm windowFish alarm B/L Fish alarm B/L windowWater temperature alarm Water temperature alarm windowWhen an alarm setting is violated Sounder alarm menuWater Temperature Graph Sounder alarm messages and their meaningsInterpreting the Sounder Display Zero lineBottom echo Zero lineFish school echoes Surface noise/AerationFish school echoes Surface noise/aerationGeneral Setup General setup menuContents of general setup menu On nextRadar Setup Radar display setupContents of general setup menu con’t from previous Radar display setup menuContents of radar display setup menu Con’t on nextContents of radar display setup menu con’t from previous Radar range setup Radar range setup menuRadar function key options Function key setupRadar function key menu Radar function keys Menu Item Function Function KeyNavigation options Plotter SetupPlotter setup menu Contents of plotter setup menu Plotter function key options Function key setupPlotter function key menu Plotter function keys RULPlotter display, chart offset selected Chart SetupChart offset FURUNO, NavCharts chart attributes Chart details menu FURUNO, NavChartsContents of chart details menu FURUNO, NavCharts MAP chart attributes Contour line menu FURUNO, NavChartsChart details menu C-MAP Cntour Line soft keyContents of chart details menu C-MAP Depth info menu C-MAP Settings descriptionDepth Info soft key Data Boxes Setup Data box menuHot Page Setup Hot page setup menuHot page setup menu, Split X 3 screen, sub screen selection HOTNavigation data source Navigator SetupContents of nav setup menu Con’t on next GPS receiver setupGPS setup menu Contents of GPS setup menu Contents of GPS setup menu con’t from previous Status TD display setup TD setup menuDisplaying Loran C TDs Loran GRI & station pair windowDisplaying Decca TDs Decca chain and station pair windowNav data setup window Nav Data Display SetupNav data setup screen On next Sounder SetupSystem setup Sounder system setup menu description con’t from previous TVGSensor setup menu settings Sensor setupSensor setup menu Sounder range setup menu Default basic rangesSounding range, zoom range, bottom lock range Zoom range and bottom-lock rangesSounder function key menu Sounder function key optionsSounder function keys Save data menu Memory Card OperationsFormatting memory cards Saving data to a memory card Save data menuMemory card messages Memory card messagesPlaying back data from a memory card Load data menuSetting communication software on the PC Uploading, Downloading DataUploading or downloading data Upload and download menusBaud rate window Waypoint data formatWaypoint data format Characters available for commentEnd of sentence Route data menuRoute comment data format Loading Waypoint Data from Yeoman Receiving Data Via Network Equipment Receive data menuHost name window Marks & lines windowOutputting Data Through the Network Select sentence menuMaintenance program Preventive MaintenanceReplacement of Battery Replacement of Fuse Trackball MaintenanceSimple Troubleshooting General troubleshootingRadar troubleshooting RadarPlotter troubleshooting PlotterSounder troubleshooting SounderMemory I/O Test menu DiagnosticsMemory I/O test Display unit test Display unit test resultsGPS sensor test Requires GPS Receiver GP-310B GPS receiver test resultsARP test results Network sounder test Requires Network Sounder ETR-6/10NNetwork sounder test results Test pattern Test pattern sequenceKeyboard, remote controller test Screen for testing keyboard, remote controllerGPS Status Display GPS status displayWindows for clearing memory Clearing MemoriesMemory clear menu Error Messages Error messagesMenu Overview Menu keyAppendix System Port Appendix Plotter Chart Details MAP Soft KEY 1, Track ON/OFF Soft KEY 2, Edit MK/LINE Temperature Graph ON, OFF SPD Sensing PIC ADV ON, OFF Alarm key Radar AlarmsPlotter Alarms Sounder AlarmsGeodetic Chart List World Time Chart Icons V ESpecifications of Marine Radar Model 1833C/1933C/1943CMODEL1943C Ggarmcrmagll Coating Color Specifications of Video Plotter GD-1900C IPX5 Index Index-1Index-2 IndexIndex-3 MessagesPresentation mode Index-4Index-5 Trackball
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1833C, 1933C, 1943C specifications

Furuno is a well-respected name in marine electronics, renowned for producing high-quality navigation and fish-finding equipment. Among their product line, the Furuno 1943C, 1953C, 1933C, GD-1900C, and 1833C stand out as reliable radar systems, providing exceptional performance and advanced features for both commercial and recreational vessels.

The Furuno 1943C is a powerful 12 kW radar system, boasting a 10.4-inch monochrome display with a user-friendly interface. It is equipped with digital signal processing (DSP) technology that enhances target detection and resolution. The 1943C offers superior target tracking capabilities, even in challenging weather conditions. Its patented Auto Gain Control ensures that small targets are not lost in clutter, making it a favorite among serious navigators.

Moving on to the Furuno 1953C, this model has an impressive 12 kW output and features a high-resolution 15-inch color display. It integrates advanced features such as Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) for tracking multiple targets simultaneously, increasing situational awareness and safety on the water. Additionally, the 1953C offers a range of presentation modes, allowing users to customize the display to their specific needs.

The Furuno 1933C is a compact yet efficient radar solution with a 6 kW output and a 10.4-inch monochrome display. This system is highly regarded for its reliable performance and ease of use. Its user-friendly interface makes navigation simple, while features such as Target Analyzer and Echo Trails aid in identifying potential hazards, ensuring safe passage through busy waterways.

The Furuno GD-1900C combines chartplotting and radar in a single unit. With a 10.4-inch color display, it provides clear visuals of radar data as well as navigation charts. The GD-1900C supports various chart formats, including C-MAP and Navionics, allowing boaters to access detailed navigational information. This system is especially useful for those who need both radar and chartplotting capabilities in a space-saving design.

Lastly, the Furuno 1833C is a versatile radar system with a 4 kW output and a 7-inch color display, catering to smaller vessels. It features Furuno's advanced technology, such as a built-in GPS receiver and the ability to overlay radar data on electronic charts. This model is ideal for recreational boaters seeking an affordable yet feature-rich radar solution.

In summary, Furuno’s range of radar systems, including the 1943C, 1953C, 1933C, GD-1900C, and 1833C, demonstrates the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation in marine technology. Each unit incorporates advanced features tailored to meet the diverse needs of boaters, ensuring safe and efficient navigation on the water.