CITY 1, 2, 3 & 4
Along with your home city, you can preset & monitor the weather forecast for up to 4 additional cities on your PC program.
NOTE: The forecast information of city 1, 2, 3 & 4 cannot be sent to your main unit, only viewed with the
Click [UPDATE FORECAST] to manually receive the
1. Ensure that you are using Windows 2000, XP or Vista and your PC is connected to the Internet. Try browsing through a couple of websites to make sure. During the CD installation, if the program detects that Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 driver is not already installed in your PC, it will prompt you to install the driver. Follow the instructions to install the driver and complete the rest of the installation.
2. Ensure that the USB transmitter is properly connected to the USB port of your PC. Otherwise, you are unable to run the