Lexicon PCM92 Resonance Master, Resonance Tuning Master, Resonator Detune, Resonator Filter Freq

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Resonance Master

Controls all voices in the algorithm. Each voice has its nominal resonance adjusted by this percentage.

Resonance Tuning Master

Affects all voices in the algorithm. Each voice has its nominal resonance adjusted by this value. In the musical world, the tuning reference is A=440. This means that the note A (above middle C) is equivalent to 440 Hz. Changing the master tuning causes all notes to be sharp or flat.

Resonator Detune

This parameter acts as an adjustment to the specified frequency for the voice’s resonator. The calculation of cents yields a ratio which is used to modify the specified frequency of the voice. This parameter is modified by the Master Detune parameter.

Resonator Filter Freq

This parameter controls a lowpass filter inside the resonator.

Resonator Frequency

This parameter determines at which frequency the delay voice resonates. The action of this parameter is determined by the state of the Resonance Mode parameter. When a frequency is calculated for this parameter, it must then be affected by the value of the Master Tuning parameter.

Reverb PreDelay (Predelay)

This is a delay that’s added to the diffused signal before it enters the main part of the reverb. For all intents, it may be considered as delay that is added to the reverberated signal. It is used to temporally separate the reverb from the dry signal.

Reverb Spin (Spin)

This is usually simply called spin. It controls the speed of the reverb random- izer. Spin is also connected with the Reverb Wander parameter

Reverb Time Hi Cut

This parameter, also known as Hicut or RTHC is a low-pass filter in the recirculating part of the reverb. It represents a frequency above which the tail dies away more quickly. In some ways, it represents the opposite end of the scale from BassRT, and may be considered an analog of air absorption. It is also closely tied to the Hi Cut Damping parameter.

Reverb Wander

This parameter (also known as just Wander), along with Reverb Spin, is used to control the reverb randomizer. It controls the maximum size of random- izer steps, and is expressed in a time value (typically milliseconds).

Room Size

Room Size corresponds roughly to the length of the longest wall of a rect- angular room. In a more general sense, it corresponds to the overall dimen- sion of some mythical space. This space has a geometry that causes sound


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Contents Page Important Safety Instructions Declaration of Conformity Warranty Overview of TCP/IP Basics Midi SysEx Implementation Introduction Page Front Panel Load BackAES/EBU In/Out Power JackRear Panel Ethernet InputPage Using the PCM92 1Single Stereo Config1SinglConcertHallStereo-FlaCongefig4896 To select a different category Category Selection Screen System Presets1ConcertHall-Flange 0Med Hall Save As Single Stereo Config Page DSP Configurations Networking Subnet Mask Gateway Dhcp Support EnabledDhcp Network Considerations and Limitations Audio Source System MenuClock Source AES Setup Analog SetupClock Rate Bank Dump Device IDBase Channel MachineInput Level Machine MenuTempo Source Wet Dry MixUsing Midi Soft Row Parameter Channel Usage DescriptionByte Definition Comments Bank Presets Bank #0xF0 Sysex message 0x06 Page Algorithms Hall Stereo and Mono Random Hall Stereo and Mono Resonant Chords Stereo and Mono Chorus/Flange Stereo only Page Bass Crossover BassXOver ParametersBandwidth Bass Boost RoomDelay Time Master Delay Feedback MasterDelay Level Master Delay Time Echo DelayFeedback Pan Master Echo DelayFeedback Diffusion Feedback LevelMix Wet Dry Mix Master Reflection Delay Reflection Time MasterReflection Delay Delay Time MidRTResonator Detune Resonance Tuning MasterReverb PreDelay Predelay Resonance MasterScale Signal Event FreqSignal Frequency RtHC DampingTap Slope Signal TypeSpread Early Spread Tail WidthWet Dry Mix TypePCM92 Menu Navigation Map System View and Machine View PCM92 Menu Navigation Map Stereo Hall Algorithms PCM92 Menu Navigation Map Stereo chamber and room Algorithms PCM92 Menu Navigation Map Stereo Delay Algorithms PCM92 Menu Navigation Map Stereo Effects Algorithms PCM92 Menu Navigation Map Mono Hall Algorithms  Menu Navigation Map Mono Chamber and room Algorithms Menu Navigation Map Mono Delay Algorithms Menu Navigation Map Mono Effects AlgorithmsPage 44.1 kHz 48 kHz 88.2 kHz 96 kHz PCM92 Specifications44.1K/88.2K Storage MediaFCC Midi Implementation Chart Page PCM92