Flextone Manual Rev E; bookfile Page 45 Tuesday, September 8, 1998 10:31 AM
InsideYour Head:
The Floor Board is the powerful, customized foot controller from Line 6 designed to be the perfect companion for your Flextone HD. You can read all about it, and its little brother the FB4, in the main Flextone User Manual. In comparison to the Flextone combos, here are a couple of new capabilities the HD brings you in foot control land.
While the Flextone combos have three user banks for storing your custom setups, your Flextone HD has an expanded memory that lets you save 9 User banks. You also still get the same four Preset banks as the Flextone combos. The Preset memory Banks and User Banks
MIDI out on a guitar amp? What gives?
We’ve included a simple MIDI output in case you would like to send MIDI program changes to your external effect devices when you change channels on the HD. That way, when you stomp on the Floor Board, or press one of the Channel switches on the HD, your MIDI effect device can follow along with the changes without your even having to think about it. They key to it all is the MIDI Program Change message....