Radio Shack 42-4058 Changing the Reverb or Chorus Parameters, Selecting a DSP Type, DSP Digital

Page 7

￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿ (￿￿￿ to ￿￿￿)—Sets the


Repeatedly press + or or use the

undulation depth of the chorus sound. A


number buttons to input the parameter

higher value produces deeper


setting you want.



Press ￿ (EXIT). This returns to the


effect selection screen. ￿



Changing the Reverb or Chorus Parameters

You can turn effects on/off or change the effect level for each keyboard channel separately. See “Using the Mixer” on Page 12 for more information.

Selecting a DSP Type

DSP effects are applied to the path between the sound source and output. You can add the effect to any sound, even after you added reverb or chorus effect. See “DSP” on Page 32 for more details.

You can also create your own DSP effects or download the data from and transfer it to the keyboard. The keyboard has ten DSP effect memories so you can store custom DSP effects. See “Saving DSP Parameter Settings” on this page and “Using the Data Download Service” on Page 21 for more information.

3.Repeatedly press + or or enter a number using the number buttons to change the parameter setting.

4.Press ￿ (EXIT).


You can control the relative strength of a DSP and how it is applied.

1.After selecting the DSP type you want, press ￿ (ENTER).

2.Repeatedly press ￿ or ￿ (CURSOR) to display the parameter you want to change.

You must turn on the DSP lines of the required parts using the mixer function. See “Using the Mixer” on Page 12.

Changing DSP Parameters

• The effects can be turned on/off or have

their levels set separately for each

keyboard channel. See “Using the Mixer”

on Page 12.

• Playing a demo tune automatically changes

the effect to the one assigned to the tune.

You cannot change or cancel a demo tune


• Changing the effect setting while the

keyboard is playing causes a slight break in

the sound when the effect changes.

• The advanced tones automatically turn on


1.Press DSP. The indicator next to DSP lights.

2.Repeatedly press + or to select the DSP type you want. See “DSP” under “Effect List” on Page 32 for the type of

the effects and the corresponding numbers. The DSP number (￿￿￿ to ￿￿￿), ￿ (advanced tone), or !"# (user tone created using DSP) appears.



You can change these basic DSP parameters.

￿$%￿&￿￿ (Volume) (￿￿￿ to ￿￿￿) — Sets the post DSP volume.

￿$%￿%￿'￿(()* to +),) — Sets the post DSP stereo pan (relative position between left and right channels).

￿$%￿￿￿￿ ￿￿'-￿￿￿—Select ￿' to keep the current DSP line after you change the tone. Select ￿￿￿ to change the DSP line to the original setting of the newly selected tone.

For advanced tones, changing the tone turns off all DSP line settings except on the currently selected channel.

1.Press DSP.

2.Repeatedly press ￿ or ￿ (CURSOR) to display the parameter you want to change.

Parameters 0 to 7 — These depend on the algorithm of the selected DSP. See “DSP Algorithm List” on Page 34.

￿.￿￿￿$' ￿(DSP Reverb Send) (￿￿￿ to

￿￿￿) — Sets how much of the DSP- processed sound is sent to reverb.

￿.￿￿￿$' (DSP Chorus Send) (￿￿￿ to

￿￿￿) — Sets how much of the DSP- processed sound is sent to chorus. ￿

3.Repeatedly press + or or enter a number using the number buttons to change the parameter setting.

4.Press ￿ (EXIT).



You can save up to 10 modified DSP settings in the user area for later recall.

1.After making the DSP parameter settings you want, press ￿ (ENTER). The DSP number of the user area flashes.

2.Repeatedly press + or to select the user area DSP number (100-109) you want to save.

3.Press ￿ (ENTER) to store the effect.

$￿￿￿￿￿/ briefly appears and the display returns to the tone or rhythm selection screen.

the DSP line for more effective tones. If you

assign an advanced tone to a keyboard part

(Channels 1 through 4), the DSP line turns

on automatically and the DSP selection

changes according to the advanced tone


• In the mixer mode, the DSP line on/off

setting for a part with an advanced tone is

on, while the setting for a part that does not

have an advanced tone is off. DSP effects

previously applied to these parts are

cancelled and the tone might sound

different. Use the mixer editing sequence to

turn DSP back on (see“Using the Mixer” on

Page 12).

Signal Processor)

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿

The keyboard has 10 preset four-band

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿

equalizers. You can also adjust the gain of


each of the four bands to suit your personal

1. Press EQUALIZER. The currently



selected equalizer type appears.

DSP (Digital


Image 7
Contents 42-4058 Using AC Power Installing BatteriesFCCWantsYoutoKnow Connecting HeadphonesKeyboard Automatic Intro/Ending RhythmMidi In/Out Jacks Quick Look at YourBasic Operation Using the Preset TonesBasic Operation Reverb Parameters Using Reverb and ChorusChorus Parameters Changing DSP Parameters Signal ProcessorChanging the Reverb or Chorus Parameters Selecting a DSP TypeUsing Split Adjusting the GainUsing Split Using LayerSelecting/Playing an Auto-Rhythm UsingAuto-Rhythms Using Auto Accompaniment Using Auto AccompanimentConcert Chord Full-Range Chords Standard FingeringUsing the Mixer Using Auto HarmonizeUsing the Mixer Tuning ParametersCut Off Frequency 88# * to Using the Tone SynthesizerEffect Parameters Creating and Storing a User ToneChanging Keys Using the Registration MemoryTuning the Keyboard Using the Registration MemorySpecial Features Current setting default # appearMode Using the Song MemoryStep Recording Playing Back from Song MemoryCorrecting Mistakes Rhythm Controller INTRO/ENDING 1 or Tone Number/Rhythm Number#$%$% Always turn off power to your keyboard Using the Song Memory Troubleshooting Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Effect List Effect List $-#$ List From slow to fastLFO Chorus LFO Rate M08 Multi08 Rotary Speed Auto Wah Distortion Midi ChartImplementationMemory Function SpecificationsPage Limited One-Year Warranty