Radio Shack 42-4058 Effect Parameters, Using the Tone Synthesizer, Cut Off Frequency 88# * to

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units. A cent is one hundredth of a semitone. There are 12 semitones per octave.

Effect Parameters

￿￿￿(Reverb) $￿' (￿￿￿ to ￿￿￿) – controls how much reverb is applied. ￿￿￿ is reverb off, ￿￿￿￿is maximum.

￿￿￿(Chorus) $￿' (￿￿￿ to ￿￿￿) – controls how much chorus is applied. ￿￿￿ is no chorus, ￿￿￿ is maximum.

￿$%￿￿￿'￿￿￿'/￿￿￿ – use to turn the DSP line on or off for a particular channel.

4.Repeatedly press + or or enter a number using the number buttons to change the parameter setting.

5.To edit other channels, press ￿ (EXIT) to return to the channel selection display, select the channel, then repeat Steps 2–4.

6.To exit the parameter edit mode, press



Using the Tone Synthesizer

You cannot use tones 228237 (drum set tones) as base tones.

The preset tone you use as the basis for a user tone is not changed.

Tone locations 238247 initially contain the tone number 000. The user tone you store in any of those locations replaces it.

Creating and Storing a User Tone

A new or revised user tone replaces the


existing user tone.

Layer, split, auto accompaniment, demo

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿

tune play, and MIDI functions are all

disabled while the keyboard is in the

The keyboard’s custom tone synthesizer lets you create up to 32 of your own original tones. To create a “user” tone, you simply select one of the keyboard’s 100 preset tones or 127 GM tones, change its para- meters, then store the new tone in a memory location from 238 to 247. You select and use a user tone as you would a preset tone. ￿

The parameters you can change are divided into the following groups. ￿￿￿

Volume Characteristic — Attack Time, Release Time, Resonance, Cutoff Frequency

Tone Pitch — Vibrato type, Vibrato Delay, Vibrato Depth, Vibrato Rate, Octave Shift

Tone Characteristic — Level, Touch Sense, Reverb Send, Chorus Send, DSP Line, DSP Type, DSP Parameter



1.Select the preset tone (except 228– 237) you want to use as a basis for your user tone.

2.Press SYNTH. The keyboard enters the

Custom Tone Synthesizer mode and ￿￿4￿￿￿￿￿ (Attack Time, the first parameter) appears.

3.Repeatedly press ￿ or ￿ (CURSOR) to display the parameter you want to change.

Attack Time (￿￿4￿￿￿￿￿) (()* to +),) — Sets the speed of the attack (the period from when you press a key to when the tone reaches its maximum volume). The greater the value, the quicker the attack.

Release Time (￿￿￿.￿￿￿￿￿) (9)* to +),) — Controls the speed of a tone’s release (the period from when you release a key to when the tone stops sounding). The greater the value, the quicker the release.

Vibrato Type (&￿￿.￿￿￿￿￿) $￿', ￿#￿, $￿!, or $:# — Sets the vibrato type as sine wave ($￿'), triangle wave (￿#￿), sawtooth wave ($￿!), or square wave ($:#).

Vibrato Delay (&￿￿￿￿￿￿￿) (()* to +),) —

Sets the amount of time before vibrato starts.

Vibrato Depth (&￿￿￿￿￿￿￿) (()* to +),) —

Sets the depth of vibrato effect.

Vibrato Rate (&￿￿.￿￿￿￿) (()* to +),) —

Sets the speed of the vibrato effect.

Cut Off Frequency (￿(￿88￿#:) (()* to

+),) — – Adjusts the timbre of the sound. A higher cut off frequency gives brighter timber, lower cut off frequency produces a softer timbre.

Resonance (￿￿"￿'￿') (()* to +),) —

Sets the resonance of the tone. Resonance enhances the harmonic component around the cut off frequency to create a distinctive sound. The larger the value, the more distinctive the sound. ￿

Octave Shift (￿3￿$￿￿8￿) ((￿ to +￿)— Shifts the range of the tone up or down by octave.

Level (￿￿￿￿￿) (￿ to ￿￿￿) — Controls the overall volume of the tone. The greater the value, the greater the volume. Setting a level of zero means that the tone does not sound at all.

Touch Sensitivity (￿3￿$￿'"￿) (9)* to

+),) — Controls changes in the volume of the tone depending on how hard you strike the keys. You can specify more volume for stronger striking and less volume for lighter striking, or you can specify 00 to set the same volume re- gardless of how hard you strike the keys.

Reverb Send (￿￿￿￿$￿' ) (￿ to ￿￿￿) —

Controls the reverb effects.

Chorus Send (￿￿￿￿$￿' ) (￿ to ￿￿￿) —

Controls the chorus effects.

DSP Line (￿$%￿￿￿'￿) ￿'/￿￿￿ — Sets DSP

line on or off.

DSP Type (Number and name of the applied DSP appears) — Selects the DSP type.

DSP Parameter — Sets DSP parameters. See “DSP (Digital Signal Processor)” on Page 7. ￿

Custom Tone Synthesizer mode.

• For some tones, setting the resonance too

high might cause distortion or noise. If you

encounter this, lower the resonance setting.

• While you are setting the three DSP

parameters, an indicator appears next to



• To make it easier to create your own tone, start with a preset tone that is similar to the one you are trying to create.

• Experiment with different settings. There are no real rules about what a tone should sound like. Let your imagination run free and experiment with different combinations.

You might be surprised at what you can

achieve!Synthesizer Tonethe Using


Image 13
Contents 42-4058 Using AC Power Installing BatteriesFCCWantsYoutoKnow Connecting HeadphonesMidi In/Out Jacks Automatic Intro/Ending RhythmQuick Look at Your KeyboardBasic Operation Using the Preset TonesBasic Operation Reverb Parameters Using Reverb and ChorusChorus Parameters Changing the Reverb or Chorus Parameters Signal ProcessorSelecting a DSP Type Changing DSP ParametersUsing Split Adjusting the GainUsing Layer Using SplitSelecting/Playing an Auto-Rhythm UsingAuto-Rhythms Using Auto Accompaniment Using Auto AccompanimentConcert Chord Full-Range Chords Standard FingeringUsing the Mixer Using Auto HarmonizeTuning Parameters Using the MixerEffect Parameters Using the Tone SynthesizerCreating and Storing a User Tone Cut Off Frequency 88# * toTuning the Keyboard Using the Registration MemoryUsing the Registration Memory Changing KeysSpecial Features Current setting default # appearMode Using the Song MemoryStep Recording Playing Back from Song MemoryCorrecting Mistakes Rhythm Controller INTRO/ENDING 1 or Tone Number/Rhythm Number#$%$% Always turn off power to your keyboard Using the Song Memory Troubleshooting Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Tone List Effect List Effect List $-#$ List From slow to fastLFO Chorus LFO Rate M08 Multi08 Rotary Speed Auto Wah Distortion Midi ChartImplementationMemory Function SpecificationsPage Limited One-Year Warranty