Your new Fender® KXR 200 keyboard amplifier is the result of Fender's® ongoing dialog with many of today's top musi- cians. The KXR 200 uses state of the art technology to deliver clear, resonant and most importantly...musical sound.
The KXR 200 is actually much more than a keyboard amp. With its
The preamp section of the KXR 200 features four indepen- dent channels. Channels one, two, and three each feature a single 1/4 inch,
The KXR 200 is also equipped with a master section which contains a master volume control, an effect return control, a reverb return control, an effects send jack, an effects return jack, and a
The KXR 200 keyboard amplifier was designed to give years of reliable service under all conditions and is equipped with a unique implementation of our exclusive, defeatable DELTACOMPTM compressor system. When DELTACOMPTM is engaged, it is practically impossible to cause the power amplifier to clip (distort). With DELTA- COMPTM, apparent compressor release time is kept short, yet waveform distortion is kept to a minimum at low fre- quencies.
The selection of a Fender® amplifier will reward you with years of quality music in a wide range of sonic possibilities. This manual is designed to familiarize you with the features and functions of your KXR 200 amplifier. Read this manu- al carefully so you will benefit from these features as soon as you start using your new Fender® amplifier.