Behringer V-AMP PRO, V-AMPIRE, V-AMP 2 manual Presets

Page 10
































￿￿￿￿ with effects,


amp and speaker simulation









Studio 1 (S1)

with effects, amp and speaker simulation










Studio 2 (S2)

Amp and speaker simulation, dry

Amp and￿￿￿￿speaker simulation

Amp and￿￿￿￿￿￿￿speaker simulation, dry


Amp and￿￿￿￿speaker simulation

































Amp simulation, dry ￿￿￿￿￿effects

Amp simulation ￿￿￿￿effects









Studio 3 (S3)















with analog ULTRA-G speaker simulation




























: Speaker and amp simulation,

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿: Speaker and amp simulation,


Live 1 (L1)


3-band EQ ￿￿￿￿￿+ effects


3-band EQ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿+ effects



















speaker simulation but






speaker simulation












Live 2 (L2)


with 3-band EQ,￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿amp simulation and effects

but with 3-band EQ, amp simulations + effects




with analog ULTRA-G speaker simulation
















Amp simulation with

Amp-, speaker simulation



Live 3 (L3)


3-band EQ and effects but ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

and effects but ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿









speaker simulations

3-band EQ













Tab. 3.1: Configurations









4.2 Editing presets





Your device features 125 overwritable presets divided into 25


Editing presets is fast and simple. One option is to call up a



preset you like and then start editing it. Select an amp model by

banks. In other words, there are five presets available per bank.



means of the AMPS encoder. The LED on the preset button

Each preset consists of a maximum of five “ingredients”:



flashes (e.g. D) and signals that you have made a change to the









s amp simulation (including GAIN, EQ and VOLUME settings)





cabinet simulation


Now change the settings of the VOLUME, BASS, MID, TREBLE

s pre-amp effect, such as noise gate, compressor, auto wah


and GAIN controls as you like. If you select an effect, you can


adjust its ratio in the overall sound using the EFFECTS control.



and wah-wah





You then switch to EDIT mode by pressing the arrow keys









s post-amp multi-effect, such as delay, modulation effect, or


simultaneously. If you use buttons B - E to activate the DRIVE,



a combination of both


CABINETS, REVERB and NOISE GATE functions respectively


reverb effect


and then edit using the arrow keys, the value of the respective


parameter is shown in the display. To quit EDIT mode, briefly










The enclosed sheet shows an overview of all the presets.


press the TUNER button.














If you hold the TAP button down while using the TREBLE control,






4.1 Calling up presets


you can raise or lower an additional high-frequency filter







(PRESENCE). This simulates the frequency-sensitive coupling of










When the unit is switched on, it automatically loads the last


tube amps.


used preset. In the following example, the last preset selected


+ Apart from compressor and auto wah, all the multi-

was preset D in bank 25:










effects have a speed-based parameter. Say you









want to set the effect you’ve selected to the tempo

















of your playback: just tap the TAP button twice in









time to the music and the effect tempo will match









the tempo of your piece.










4.3 Storing presets









To store your edited preset, hold down the preset button









required for approx. 2 seconds for the preset to be overwritten









(the corresponding LED lights up throughout).

















+ You do not necessarily have to store your edited

































preset in place of the original preset selected. If









you choose a different storage position, select the









preset bank you want using the arrow keys (BANK





Fig. 4.1: Calling up presets on the V-AMP 2







UP and BANK DOWN). You can store your changes by






(similar to V-AMPIRE and V-AMP PRO)








holding down the preset button for approx. two










In this case, by pressing button A, B, C or E you can immediately


seconds. For example,

you can edit a preset



originally stored in bank 5, position D, and then store

call up another preset of the same bank. The two arrow keys



it in bank 6, position A.


(BANK UP and BANK DOWN) enable you to switch banks. The






display always shows which bank has been selected. When




you switch banks, the preset has to be called up by pressing




one of the buttons A - E. One LED lights up to show you which




preset in the respective bank has been activated.


























Image 10
Contents User’s Manual Version 1.1 MarchImportant Safety Instructions Detailed Safety InstructionsAMPIRE/V-AMP PRO/V-AMP Table of Contents ForewordBefore you get started IntroductionControl Elements Front panel/surfaceAMPIRE/V-AMP PRO/V-AMP Ground Lift switch disconnects switch pressed Rear panel/sideRehearsal or recording at home Selecting an operating mode in Configuration modeOperating Modes and Applications Live on stage or in a rehearsal roomRecording Presets AMP/SPEAKER Simulation Restoring all factory presetsAmp descriptions Speaker descriptions TunerEffects Processor Midi Foot Controller FCB1010Setting reference pitch a Tuning your guitarTuner Audio connections InstallationMains voltage Midi connectionsAES/EBU and S/PDIF standards Sending/receiving MIDI-Sysex dataPSOHPHQWDWLRQ&KDUW Velocity After TouchSpecifications Warranty