Q.I ownboth a CDandDATplayerDo. I have to change mycables every time I listen to a different digital source?
Q.Will I
A.No.TheseClass"A" analogcircuits are mostaccurateandstable if left to idle whennot in use, and the circuitry ages fastest whencycling "ON"and "OFF". Thefact is, yourKrell Digitalprocessorwill soundbetter andprobablylast longer if left "ON".
Note: For the protection of your processor, werecommenddisconnecting the powersupplyfromthe wall oudetbefore any electrical stormsor if youplan on being awayfromyour homefor prolongedperiods of time.
Q.Do I have to switch the SamplingFrequencywhenI go betweenmy CD and DA/?
Q.Sometimes, while listening to myDAT,the 44.1 k//zLEDis illuminated. I thought DATused 48 kHz. Is myprocessor malfunctioning?
A.SomeDigital AudioTaperecorders can record and playbackin either 44.1 kHz or 48 kHzdependingon the source the tape was recordedfrom. The
Q.I'm not getting any sound throughthe processor.
A.Mostlikely, there has beena simplemistakein installation.
Suggestion:Checkall connections INand OUTfrom the processor. Checkall powerconnections.Makecertain that the powersupplyis switchedinto the ON or UPposition. Haveyouselected the correct source on your preamp?Check the front panelLED'sfor powersupplystability.
If youstill haveno sound,turn off the powerand contactyourdealer.
Q.I have somevery fine audiophile interconnect cable whichhas superior sonic characteristics. CanI use this for mycoaxial digital input?
A.Youmayexperimentwith any high quality cable. Donote, however,that most audiointerconnectcableis not designedto carry the ultra high frequencyinfor- mationof a digital bit stream.
Note:For the
Q.While listening to
A.Thesedropouts are causedby bad data in the digital stream whichis sensed by the
Thisintermittent mutingis causedby the
Q.I am getting humin mysystem only whenI have the
A.Youmusthave placed the powersupply in close proximityto a humsensitive component,such as your preampor phonoturntable.
Suggestion: Relocate the powersupply in accordancewith the installation guidelines.